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Tsurugi's POV:

I got out of the shower and headed to my room in the dorm.

While drying my crazy hair with a towel, I noticed that I had 3 missed calls from y/n...

"Hm? She usually calls one time and waits...is everything okay?" I muttered to myself while picking up the phone and dialling her number.





"H-Huh? Didn't you see what was written all over the social media?"

"No...I still didn't open any apps, I just got out of the shower."

"Ohhh so that's why you didn't answer my calls...I was really scared..."

"Why would you be scared if I didn't pick up? And what's so important on social media?"

"Well...there's someone who posted a rumour about me saying that I'm cheating on you with the new guy in my class. But...you believe me right? I swear it's not true Kyousuke I-"

"Of course I believe you y/n. Are you kidding me? I know you better than anyone there!"

"*sigh* I'm so relieved now that you don't believe that stupid rumour..."

"But...why would someone say something like that about you with Taiyou?"

"Taiyou? Are you on a first name basis with him?"

"Er...kinda...but that's not important now...who do you think posted that rumour?"

"Well I'm sure it's one of your fan girls at school. You know ever since I became close with you, they hated my guts remember? They still do."

"Those pieces of-"

"Woah woah calm down! It's nothing really, I don't care what they do as long as you believe me not them then I don't have anything to worry about."



"Don't worry y/n...I'd never believe THEM over YOU. I trust you so don't worry."

"I just wish you were here..."

"Me too...but don't worry! I'm almost done with this semester then I'll head back to you as soon as I can hm?"

"Okay. I'll always wait for you Kyousuke."

*smile gets wider*

"Take care of yourself and stay away from Amemiya Taiyou."

"Mmh okay don't worry about me, I have Hakuryuu here with me ya know."

"Yeah that's good. And try and hang out at the soccer club more to avoid him."

"Um...that's....not really a good idea..."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well...the thing is-"

"Don't tell me he freakin joined the team..."

"*gulp* uh huh.."

*face palm*

"*sigh* that guy is seriously something else..."

"Kyousuke...if you know anything I need to know about Amemiya just please tell me."

"Don't worry y/n I'll tell you everything when the right time comes okay?"

"But seriously though...how did Coach Endou let him into the team? Is he that good?"

"Actually yes...he is a great forward striker but..."

Forward striker...hmm...that means he's having my position in the team...

"But what?"

"When Amemiya came to take the test to enter the team, Coach Endou declined at first but then Amemiya took him away for a minute and told him something then when they came back, the Coach changed his decision and allowed him to be a member of the team...doesn't that sound fishy?"

"What the...what did he tell Coach Endou?"

"I don't know I couldn't hear them..."

"Something doesn't feel right for sure...but anyway, take care y/n okay? Like I said, never be alone with him."

"Yeah don't worry I won't. You should go sleep now you must be tired."

"*yawn* Yeah...good night y/n."

"Mm good night."


As soon as I made sure she ended the call, I quickly opened my social media feed to look for that post...

"There!" I found it and when I read it, my blood boiled...

If I catch the person who posted this rumour I swear she'll pay dearly...

I'm sure y/n will have a hard time dealing with all the gossiping tomorrow...*sigh*
I just feel bad that I'm not with her...I sometimes regret coming here...leaving her to deal with school stuff alone...

And that guy....

Amemiya Taiyou...

What is he up to? I already cut my ties with them...so what does he want with my girlfriend? What does he want with my coach? With my school and friends? Arghh...he better not do anything he'll regret...

Your POV:

I hung up with Tsurugi and threw myself on the bed.

*long sigh*

How will I deal with the gossiping tomorrow?

[The Next Day At School...]

"Isn't she the girl from the post?"

"Yes! I heard she's a two timer!"

"Oh my gosh how could she play with Tsurugi's heart like that?!"

"How heartless of her!"

"I don't know why Tsurugi chose her...to be honest...she's not that pretty or attractive anyway."

"Yeah I totally agree, like how did SHE end up with TSURUGI KYOUSUKE?! The hottie of Raimon High!"

"I heard he left her and went abroad..."

"What?! I hope he returns back here quickly! The school feels empty without him!"

"I know right?!"

I've had enough of this...

I just entered the girl's bathroom and entered one of the stalls then locked it and sat there to clear my mind.

Moments later, I heard two girls enter the bathroom too and stand at the sinks. They started talking...

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now