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Sorry I'm late y'all but school just started again T_T

Your POV:

Did Amemiya....just help me??

Was he being nice? Or....

I'm not sure I can trust him though...maybe he's planning something? Or maybe he's trying to be nice? But after his treatment to me and what he has been saying to me those past days, I can hardly trust anything he does or say...

*sigh* I'll just thank him when I see him...and maybe...apologise for 'hurting his feelings'

He seemed down since I told him that he makes me uncomfortable and that I want him to stay away from me...I don't know but there is this tiny little feeling of guilt inside me.

>>Time Skip>>

I was walking home with Hakuryuu and decided to tell
him what happened this afternoon...

"He what now?" Hakuryuu asked while furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, "Why would that dude help you?"

"I don't know Haku...he has been a jerk the past few days but now he suddenly shows up when I'm being bullied and helps me. He even punched the guy!"

"What is he, a psycho? Maybe he's two-faced? *gasp* or maybe he's an ALIEN!" Hakuryuu yelled out loud.

"What the heck Hakuryuu?!" I yelled back at him as we both chuckled.

No one's POV:

Little did you know that someone was watching you both from a distance...

"Alien Huh?" He thought, "Maybe I am one...who knows...it doesn't matter anymore...." He smirked to himself then walked away.

You waved at Hakuryuu good bye then entered your house while shouting slightly, "Tadaimaaaa~(I'm hoooome~)"

"Okairi y/n! (Welcome back)" your mum answered from the kitchen.

You headed upstairs to your room and did what seemed to be developing as a daily routine now and that is crossing today off the calendar.

"One day closer to Kyousuke's arrival back! Yayyy" you said happily while putting the pen down.

It's been months since you last saw Tsurugi in person, you miss him so much. Last year, you were used to hanging out with him at the soccer club, practicing together, eating together, walking together and even sometimes spend a few nights at his house since it's right next to yours.

You missed those days a lot, everyday you'd think of them and get small flashbacks that your eyes start tearing up a bit but not anymore! You have something to hope on and that is Tsurugi's arrival day so you'll wait patiently for that day to come!

"I've waited months already, 2 weeks more won't differ!" You said, encouraging yourself.

[The next day...]

Your POV:

I decided to thank Amemiya for his help yesterday and maybe apologise too...

But when I entered our class, I didn't find him in his seat nor anywhere inside. I glanced at my watch...

"Hmm...I still have about 15 minutes till the lesson starts."

I decided to look for him...

[10 minutes later...]

Where is he?! Did he not come to school today?

My 15 minutes were up so I had no choice but to go back to class for now.

Surprisingly, when I entered class again, he was there! Sitting in his seat!

I went to my seat next to him and tried calling him but it was as if I'm talking to no one...

Is he avoiding me now?

Well, I mean that's great but I don't like leaving someone sad especially if I'm the cause...

>>Time Skip>>

Before we knew it, lunch break had come so all students started heading outside class. I turned to look at Amemiya and found him standing up with that same straight face and was about to leave...

I called his name but he totally ignored me and went outside.

When I met with Hakuryuu and told him what's happening with Amemiya he widened his eyes at me, "Y/n! Are you crazy?! We've been telling you all this time to stay away from him and now HE is being kind enough to do it for you! Why chase after him?!"

"I'm not chasing after him! I just...I think I was a bit rude last time we talked so I just want to apologise and thank him for his help!" I defended myself

"Who cares about that stuff?! Just leave him be! It's better that way!"

"No! I feel like I'm indebted to him because he also helped me with the bullies! I feel awful okay?!"

"But he's not even a good person y/n!"

"I don't care! He still did something good for me while I was rude to him so the least I could do is thank him!"

"Did you forget how annoying he was a few days ago??"

"No Hakuryuu I didn't but maybe he changed?"

Hakuryuu scoffed, "Pfft...changed?"

"Yeah maybe he's trying to be a better person?"

"Y/n...not all people are as good-willed as you, you shouldn't trust people that easily." He said as he sighed and we continued eating our food in silence.

After our break has ended, we had to part ways again for each class so I headed back to mine.

Amemiya wasn't there again, he keeps disappearing more than usual these days, but I guess it's non of my business

Despite what Hakuryuu said, I still believe that every person has a good side so I think Amemiya's good side has showed up when he helped me!

That's why he deserves a thank you and a sorry from me...

"Is Amemiya skipping class again?" Asked the teacher looking impatiently at Amemiya's empty desk.

Though he's not here and I assume he won't be attending the afternoon classes as usual, I wrote him a little note and stuck it on his desk.

I'll just wait till he comes and reads the little note...

Then we'll see what happens...

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now