In Danger

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No one's POV:

You finally regained consciousness as you slowly opened your eyes. But it felt as if they were still closed...

It was too dark that it was no difference from when they were closed...

You were clueless by now of where you are and why you're here, the last thing you remember was walking home with Amemiya and-

'Amemiya...' you repeated that thought again as you tried moving but then realised that your hands and feet are tied up to a brick wall.

You tried to breathe steadily and remain calm but the whole situation was freaking you out as thousands of questions lingered in your mind...

Where am I?

Why am I here?

What is this place?

Why am I tied up?

Where is Amemiya?

Will I die in here?

But that's when you heard the sound of a door creak from the direction right in front of you...

"Well well finally woke up..." a man's voice echoed in the cold room. You concluded him to be around his 50s.

You tried your best not to look scared although your legs were trembling and you couldn't even see the man's face from the extreme darkness...

"Where am I?" You asked trying not to stutter.

"That's something you don't need to know cutie." He answered as a smug smirk on his face flashed through the darkness.

"Who are you? And why am I here? What are you gonna do with me?" You kept asking but all you got as an answer was dark chuckling...

"Too many questions huh?"

"Oh? I never thought you would be Tsurugi's type~" another man, a bit younger, entered the small dark room as he gazed at you with a grin.

You felt like a prey...

"Don't you worry...we just need to keep you here with us until we get what we want." The older man said. "Or if we needed to switch to plan B~ It might get a bit messy for you if we start that plan..." added the younger guy not removing that grin.

You were frozen in your place, not feeling your limbs...

'Plan B?....I'm sure I don't wanna know what it is....'

You tried your best to keep a steady glare at both of them but as soon as they left the room, locking the door behind them, tears started rolling down your cheeks silently...

Those same tears that were threatening to come out in front of the men.


[At School...]

Hakuryuu's cold has gotten better so he went to school the next day but he had a million things on his mind...

Hakuryuu's POV:

I couldn't even sleep last night after I returned back home...

Y/n's mother called me again but  I decided to tell her that I found y/n and that she was just having fun and didn't feel the time passing by and she was kinda drunk too so I brought her home with me to rest. She believed me thank god...I only told her that because she sounded so worried on the phone but calmed down when I told her that mini story.

But now...I'm worried sick...

Her phone is still unavailable and after meeting Amemiya last night and seeing what I saw I just...I hope y/n is okay...

I was walking in the halls headed for my class when the devil showed up in front of me and smirked.

"Well hello there Hakuryuu~" he said while stopping in front of me with his hands in his pockets.

I just glared at him with disgust and passed by him. He didn't move but instead, whispered something in my ear that made ME stop...

"Don't tell a soul about what you saw or heard yesterday. Don't forget, y/n is still with us." Then he continued walking in his way while I was just standing there with my back to him and my eyes widened.

I had thought of calling the police yesterday...but I had a feeling that that would put y/n in more danger...

And I was right...

I sighed as I continued walking towards my class as my head was filled with worry and anxiety.

I couldn't focus at all in class nor with my friends, all I could think of was y/n...

Is she okay? Did they hurt her? What does Amemiya plan? And what did he meen by us? Does that mean there are more than him?!

My head was spinning and my thoughts got interrupted when my phone buzzed.

It was a text message from Tsurugi...

Tsurugi K//
My flight has been postponed a day earlier. I'll be back by tomorrow.

Any news about y/n?

I was happy that Tsurugi's gonna come a day earlier which is tomorrow but I didn't know what to tell him about the second message...

How can I tell him that his girlfriend has been kidnapped by that psycho guy called Amemiya and that he threatened to kill her if we do anything to ruin his plan that I don't even know anything about?!

I'll tell you when you come.

I placed my phone in my pocket and sighed for the nth time now.

Tsurugi knows that y/n went missing but he doesn't know the rest of the story...

And what Amemiya just told me earlier in the halls makes the situation worse...should I tell him? I'm scared Amemiya would find out that I told Tsurugi and hurts y/n. I wouldn't forgive myself then...

I shook my head aggressively in an attempt to shake away all those thoughts.

We'll see what happens...

I hope y/n would stay safe...

Tsurugi's coming back tomorrow anyway...

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now