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Soooo disclaimer: I've never written yaoi before XD

Nothing 18+ cuz I'm myself ain't 18 and this bonus chapter is just for some of you who requested it so if you don't like KyousukeXHakuryuu then feel free to skip :)

Leeeet's seeeeee

No one's POV:

Raimon High School decided to arrange a field trip for the students after the exam week had finally finished.

They were all excited for a break and so was the soccer club...

"YEAH! A TRIP TO RELAX AND RECHARGE!" Yelled Tenma with excitement as Shinsuke joined him.

"I'm so excited! The school booked a whole resort just for the students!!" Squealed Aoi.

"Yesss! I heard there are a lot of fun activities and luxuries there too! There's a soccer field, a gym, an arcade, a spa with a jacuzzi and even a sauna!" Explained Midori while reading the trip plan.

Everyone was super excited!

"Listen up everyone! Tomorrow is the day of the trip so be at the school's front gate at 7 AM sharp! We depart from there, understood?!" Shouted Coach Endou.


Y/N was walking along side Tsurugi and Hakuryuu on their way back home while chatting about tomorrow'S trip...

"I can't wait to try all the games in the arcade! They say it's all free for Raimon's students!" Said Hakuryuu with a huge smile on his face.

"I know right?! Can't wait to give them all a go!" Even Tsurugi was as excited as everyone.

"I just want to relax in the spa!" Y/N exhaled with exaggeration.

"You're no fun!" They both said in sync and the trio laughed together.

[The Next Morning...]

"Where is Hakuryuu?! He's late 15 minutes! I'm afraid the bus won't wait any longer!" Y/N looked impatiently at her watch while all the students were gathered in front of the main gate waiting for Hakuryuu.

"Did you try calling him?" Asked Tsurugi.

"Of course but his phone is not even ringing!"

Tsurugi sighed, "Hold my bag, I'll go get him quickly."

Y/N nodded as Tsurugi took off quickly towards Hakuryuu's house...

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong*

"OOOOOIII HAKURYUUUU!" Tsurugi shouted from outside as he finally received a muffled response from inside.

"Hakuryuu? ARE YOU OKAY??" Tsurugi shouted again so Hakuryuu could hear him.


Tsurugi grabbed the key quickly and unlocked the door as he dashed inside, afraid that something bad must've happened to Hakuryuu.

He ran upstairs to his bedroom but found Hakuryuu sitting normally on the side of his bed while looking down in disappointment...

"What the hell? Hakuryuu! You're hella late! You didn't answer your phone! And why are you sitting here like this doing nothing?!" Tsurugi yelled at him.

"I....um....*sigh* I don't think I'll be able to go to the trip..."

"Hah?! Why?!"

"Because I can't even walk properly!"

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