Too Much

596 38 19

Your POV:

"Who's there?"

I froze in my spot. What do I do now? Will he get mad if he find me peeking on him?

Wait. Why am I scared? I'm not doing anything wrong.

I came out from behind the door and looked him straight in the eye.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's my line. Everyone has gone home so why are you still here?"

"I just wanted to experiment more with these chemicals. This school has great chemistry equipment!"

Why do I find this as a fake excuse?

"*sigh* Fine but you need to go home now. The school will be closed soon."

"Haaaaiii." He put everything back in its place, took off his lab coat and headed towards my direction at the door. "C'mon let's go." He smiled and went out while I closed the lab's door.

We walked out the school gate and I was headed home in my usual path but noticed Amemiya walking beside me...

"Is your house this way too?" I asked and he nodded while his hands were in his pockets.

He was pretty much silent all the way until we reached my house so I stopped and turned to look at him...

"So um...this is my house." He looked down at me with his dark blue eyes then raised his head to  look at the house. He smiled calmly, "See ya tomorrow then." He waved at me and continued in the same road.

Why do I have a weird feeling? I might as well call Tsurugi...

>>Time Skip>>


"Hey y/ are you?"

"I'm good Kyousuke..."

"Hm? You don't seem good. What happened?"

"It's just that...Amemiya is...
being...weird. I don't know."

"Again that guy? Didn't I warned you not to get involved with him?"

"No I didn't get involved in anything...he just pops out wherever I go. He's just there."

"*sigh* So what's weird about him? Tell me everything."

"I don't's just it normal to wait for everyone to go home and enter the chemistry lab alone to just 'experiment more' with the stuff in there?"

"The...chemistry lab?"


"*sharp sigh*"

"He also walked with me home today and said that his house is in the same direc-"

"What?! He walked you home? Does that mean he knows where your house is now?!"



"Kyousuke, if something's wrong or if you know anything just tell me. I need to know!"

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now