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Tsurugi's POV:

This was a very tense situation we were in...

Amemiya has gone insane since the last time I saw him and now he's been pointing a gun at me for the past 10 minutes and could pull the trigger any second.

He had already shot Fifth Sector's old boss, back in those days...

But as I was thinking how to get out of this complex situation, things happened faster than I could blink...

Suddenly Taiyou yelled and I heard a gunshot, I closed my eyes quickly ready to feel the bullet pierce through my skin but then I heard another two yells and that's when I felt that the bullet was taking too long to hit me...

In never did...

I just felt someone push me hard and away from the bullet's path as I landed harshly on the ground.

I quickly opened my eyes to find the horrible sight displayed in front of me...

It was y/n...standing in my place, blood spreading through her shirt at her tummy area and tears in her eyes as she looked at Taiyou.

Taiyou was busy trying to comprehend what just happened until he bursted out laughing.

I, however, couldn't believe what just happened in the past 5 seconds...

I saw as y/n clutched her stomach and her knees failed her. She was going to fall but I rushed from the ground towards her and held her last second...

"Y/n! You're going to be okay! It's okay! It's fine! You're fine! Don't worry everything's going to be alright!" And I didn't even realise I started shedding tears while looking down at her.

I missed her so much...he smile, her face, her touch, her laugh, everything...

And what just happened was my only fear...

She smiled weakly at me and raised her hand to my face, "D-Don't worry doesn't hurt that much I'm o-okay."

"No you're not you idiot!" I was crying hard now, "Why did you do it! Why throw yourself in that dangerous situation WHY?!" I held her so tight because...

I was afraid my only fear would come true...

My only fear...

Losing her...

No one's POV:

Hakuryuu was still on the ground when that happened. He couldn't believe his eyes at what he just saw...his best friend, the most important person in his life, y/n, getting shot right in front of him.

His eyes widened as his mouth dropped and started shaking with worry and fear...

"Y-Y/n..." a faint whisper escaped through his mouth as his body was paralysed for a couple of seconds.

But his faze was broken by Taiyou's laughter...

He turned to look at the psycho guy who couldn't contain himself from laughing so hard at what just happened.

He watched with amusement as you fell but luckily Tsurugi caught you quickly.

Hakuryuu never saw Tsurugi break down like that...

"AHAHAAHAHA!! Oh my~ I didn't expect that HAHAHAHA!" Amemiya continued laughing like a maniac and that's when Hakuryuu stood up and launched at his direction, firstly kicking the gun out of his hands.

Amemiya didn't see this coming as he stopped laughing and looked shockingly at the gun that slid across the floor, away from him.

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now