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Tsurugi's POV:

[1 hour ago...]


I heard my phone and went to pick it up from my desk to find a new email sent from the airport:

Tsurugi-san, we are incredibly sorry to inform you that your flight will have to be rescheduled a day earlier due to air traffic. Please be ready for your flight to Japan by tomorrow. You have the option to cancel your flight if tomorrow is not a suitable day.
Thank you for understanding.

-Yamaguchi airways
(Talk about an imaginary Japanese airline XD)

I finished reading the email as a wide smile grew on my face.

They're sorry? This amazing! I get to go back tomorrow instead of the day after which also means I get to see y/n even soone-

That's when I remembered that y/n is still missing...the thought of it drives crazy...I hope she's in a safe place or unharmed.

(Yeah right Tsurugi)

>>Time Skip>>

[The next day...]

I packed all my stuff and said goodbye to all the good people I have met here as I headed towards the road.

I waved my hand for a taxi to stop and hopped inside after placing my luggage in the backseat.

"The airport please." I said as the driver nodded and started driving towards our destination.

'I'm coming y/n...just hold on a little longer...I'll find you, I'll do whatever it takes.'

No one's POV:

You barely had any sleep since you found yourself in this creepy place. No light, no food, no water and the intoxicating smell of chemicals filled the place making you sick to your stomach.

'Where am I...' you asked yourself this question over a hundred times but you couldn't find an answer.

You were chained to the wall, in a dark small room with no source of light except the tiny window from across the wall.

The two men didn't visit your room again since you last saw them which was yesterday.

You had tried countless times to break free but to no avail...

Crying silently. That's all you could do at the moment...but you tried to stop the tears from falling as you had a feeling that someone will find you and get you out of here...

Someone special...someone you trust...


Maybe Hakuryuu?

The police?

You just had that feeling so you decided to be patient and hold on a little longer, feeling that someone out there wants you to do so until they come and rescue you.


Tsurugi K//
I arrived
At the airport now
Finally back
I'll grab a taxi and meet you at our usual place

Hakuryuu read those messages as a grin grew on his face. He grabbed his keys, put on his shoes and headed outside to finally meet Tsurugi who has been away for a whole year.

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now