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No one's POV:

[The next day...]

"I swear Amemiya gets more and more on my nerves each day!" You complained to Hakuryuu who was sitting beside you at one of the cafeteria tables, watching you stuff your face with a cheese and some bell peppers sandwich- (TMI I guess LmAO)

He sighed softly, "I don't get him...he was nice to you at the beginning of the year, what's gotten into him?" He paused then continued, "I mean, I never liked that guy but still ya know?"

You swallowed you food and took another huge bite as if you were venting your frustration on the poor sandwich...

"Hey slow down y/n!" Hakuryuu shouted at you as you started coughing and trying to breathe.

"Gosh...I'll go get you some water." He said and stood up.

As Hakuryuu left, you finally swallowed harshly and took in a deep breath then exhaled loudly.

"You should slow down or you might choke and die one day." You heard a voice say beside you but it wasn't Hakuryuu...

"That's non of your business Amemiya." You scoffed at him obviously annoyed by his presence but he still sat there beside you watching you eat with that creepy smile on his face.

You weren't comfortable so you stood up to leave but he quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you down again, "What's the rush y/n? Break time still isn't over yet..."

You sighed and looked him in the eyes, "Look Amemiya, let me be frank with you..." you started, "You make me uncomfortable for some reason so please stay away from me as much as possible. It's hard enough that you're seat is right next to me and that you're with me in the soccer club okay?"

He turned serious all of a sudden as if he was hurt by what you said. He nodded slowly while avoiding eye contact and left...

'Did I...hurt his feelings? Was I too harsh?' You thought while watching his back disappear in the student crowd.

A minute later, Hakuryuu had returned with a bottled of water, "Sorry n/ was too crowded at the canteen." He said trying to catch his breath.

You decided not to tell him that Amemiya was here, you didn't want him to worry too much...

"You went away for so long Haku! What were you thinking leaving me to choke on food like that for that long? You think I would've stayed alive if I kept choking all that time you were gone?!" You faked a childish argument with him to lighten up the mood but Hakuryuu being Hakuryuu, he thought you were serious...(please face palm with me)

"Hah? I left my food to go get you water you ungrateful girl!" He took the seat beside you again while pouting angrily.

"iindayo (It's okay) I was joking don't take it seriously!" You laughed but he still was sulking like a child...

"Hakuuuu....c'moooon I said I was joking...." you whined but as you saw him about to put his own sandwich in his mouth, you leaned closer quickly and took a bite then returned back to your seat.

"HEY THAT'S MINE!" He yelled while looking at your stuffed cheeks filled with his own sandwich...

You chuckled while chewing

"Why you little..." he narrowed his eyes at you but soon enough ended up laughing along with you.

Your POV:

When break time had ended, I returned back to class but Amemiya wasn't there. He didn't show up for the rest of the day too which is by now a habit I think? He's been ditching classes every now and then since he joined Raimon High...

I was just glad I didn't have to deal with him for the rest of the day and that would also make Kyousuke happy so GREAT!

When I arrived back home, I greeted my mother and went upstairs to my room...

Everyday after school, when I come home, I go straight to the calendar to mark another day off of it which also means a day closer to finally seeing Tsurugi again after so long! :)

I placed my pen down after crossing another day out...

[The next day...]

We were in class waiting for our teacher to arrive because he was late.

I took this as an opportunity to text someone special...

Good morning Kyousuke!

Kyousuke ♥️
Good morning babe
How is it going?

It's fine I guess
Nothing serious

Kyousuke ♥️
Don't stress yourself over it
Keep your cool n/n

That's what I learned from you 😁😁😁

Kyousuke ♥️
That's my girl 😏😏


"Oh look! She's texting her 'boyfriend'!" A guy said standing behind me as I noticed he was reading our texts.

"Really? Which one?" Another one said and they all bursted out laughing.

I swear this class doesn't know anything better than bullying people and spreading rumours

They have so much time on their hands!

I dealt with that bish and her minions...but how shall I deal with guys?!

"Aw is y/n complaining to Tsurugi~?" The one behind me teased.

I tried to ignore him since he was getting on my last nerve but then again...I can't slap him like I did to that girl...

Then suddenly he snatched my phone from me and kept scrolling in my chats

"HEY GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled at him and stood up to get my phone back but damn it he is so y'all I can't reach my phone, especially when he continued annoying me by raising the phone up high and laughing at me along with his friends.

I felt like crying as I was looking down trying to keep the tears in since I don't want them to see me cry...

But then I heard a familiar voice talking to the guy with my phone, "Give her phone back." The voice said coldly as I looked up to see who it was...

"Oh? And what if I don't? Came to protect your 'girlfrie-" but he was immediately cut off by Amemiya's punch as the guy fell to the ground with my phone sliding across the floor to where Amemiya was standing.

He bent down picked it up and walked up to me with the coldest expression ever...

"Here." He placed it on my desk and walked out...

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now