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No one's POV:

Hakuryuu approached your and didn't look pleased seeing you with the guy he and Tsurugi have been telling you to stay away from...

Amemiya gave him a smile and extended his arm for a hand shake. Hakuryuu looked at his hand in disgust and just ignored him then faced you instead...

"Don't you have a lesson now?" He asked or more like demanded an answer.

"Yeah but the teacher just kicked us both out because we were 'distracting' the class." You made two quotes with your fingers sarcastically.

Hakuryuu blinked twice then grabbed your hand and started walking away, "We need to talk."

Your POV:

Hakuryuu pulled me away from Amemiya and behind our school building so that he couldn't see us or hear us.

"Y/n! Didn't we tell you to stay away from that guy? Why were you with him alone?" He asked me while getting angry.

"Hakuryuu, how should I stay away from him when he practically pops up everywhere I go?!" I exclaimed, "The teacher kicked us both out so of course we were walking together."

" situations like that, you could just say that you'll go to the bathroom or something. C'mon y/n you're smarter than that!"

"Okay okay fine! Don't worry I'll think of some excuse next time!"

He sighed and patted my head, "I know this is confusing to you but please trust me and...most Tsurugi." He said seriously and I nodded.

>>Time Skip>>

No one's POV:

[Else where...on the phone...]

"I want you to step up your game. Find him now and find a way to bring him back to us. I won't wait for long. You should be knowing what you're doing."

"Yes sir. Understood."


Your POV:

>>Time Skip>>

We finally finished school and Hakuryuu and I were walking home now.

He sure scolds me a lot these days...he's starting to turn into another Sui!

"Hey y/n," he called me and I found him in front of me by several steps.

"Huh? When did you start walking so fast?" I asked as I ran to catch up with him.

"I didn't walk fast. You're the one who was walking too slow behind." He said and I just ignored him.

We continued walking until we reached my house. We said our goodbyes and I entered.

I took a quick shower and went back to my room to find my phone buzzing.

Hm? I got a few text messages from Amemiya.

I'm still suspicious of how he got my number out of no where but okay...

I still haven't told Tsurugi or Hakuryuu about the fact that Amemiya has my number but I just don't want them to worry too much.

Amemiya: Hey y/n

Amemiya: Wanna practice some soccer with me this afternoon?

What should I do? Of course I can't accept because Tsurugi told me to stay away from him. So I must decline...but I just need a way to refuse without sounding too harsh or annoying...

Me: Sorry Amemiya

Me: I'm kinda busy today

I think that was good enough right?

Amemiya: It's okay maybe next time

Next time? Is he willing to ask me again? *sigh* it keeps getting harder and harder to stay away from him!

I just threw my phone on the bed and threw myself beside it.

Before drifting off to dreamland, one think was on my mind though...

2 days left for our match against Yoshikawa's soccer team...

[Next morning...]

We were gathered at the soccer field where Coach Endou wanted to tell us something important...

"Listen up everyone!" He shouted for our attention, "Our match is just one day away so I want to see the best you've got! Understood?"

"HAAAAAAAAIIII!" We all yelled in enthusiasm.

"And another thing..." The couch continued, "I'm afraid you'll have to sit this one out y/n..." he looked at me while my mouth dropped.

"EHH?!" I yelled in shock, "B-But why coach?! Is it my performance on the field? I promise to work harder and train seriously please let me play in this match!"

"Yah coach why remove y/n from after tomorrow's match? We need a good striker like her!" Protested Shindou.

All the team was confused why would coach remove me at a time like this. Did I do something wrong?

Coach Endou looked at me with sadness in his eyes, "I'm sorry y/'ll just sit out this one and then return didn't do anything wrong it's just a plan I have in mind..." he explained, "As for the striker position, Amemiya will take y/n's place for the next match. That is all."

I was still shocked and confused as I looked at Amemiya who was standing next to me.

He turned his head to at me too and mouthed 'sorry' to me as he looked sad for me for a second then ran into the field with the rest of our team.

And I...I went and sat next to the managers on the bench.

I was sad and disappointed that I won't be participating in the upcoming match...I wanted to play against that strong team!

"Something's weird about Coach Endou's decision..." stated Midori as Aoi, Akane and I turned to face her, waiting for more explaining to what she just said.

"Why would the coach remove one of our best players on the team to replace her with another good player?"

"Maybe because Amemiya plays better than me? This must be the reason." I said.

"No y/'re a very talented soccer player. Besides, with Tsurugi gone, the team needs you even more now since you're the only one who can do the same hissatsu technique as Tsurugi! So why? Why remove you? What was the couch thinking?!" Exclaimed Aoi.

"He said...he has some sort of plan?" Akane said slowly.

"WHAT KIND OF STUPID PLAN IS THIS!" Midori bursted and we had to calm her down.

I sighed as I watched the team practice and could've help but think of something...

Amemiya didn't look surprised about replacing me in the match.

It's as if....he was expecting something like this to happen?

I don't know...

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now