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No one's POV:

"Huh? What do you mean you don't mind it?" You asked confused, "Doesn't it bother you?"

He chuckled slightly, "Not really. It's nothing now lets go to class before the lesson starts."

'Weird...' You thought.

>>Time Skip>>

"He's coming back in 2 weeks, according to his girlfriend's words."

"I see...keep an eye on her. Then move to plan B if necessary."


'Hm? Isn't that Amemiya Taiyou?" Hakuryuu thought as he was passing by the back yard of the school and spotted Amemiya talking on the phone in secrecy...

'Why is he looking around him a lot as if he's talking to someone he shouldn't be talking to? Definitely suspicious...' He then shrugged and kept moving on, ignoring his thoughts.

As Amemiya ended the call, the bell rung indicating the end of the school day. He sighed and went back to class to grab his bag.

When he entered, the classroom was already empty...or so he thought. That's when he spotted you sleeping calmly on your seat while resting your head on your folded arms.

He approached your desk slowly and looked down at you...

"She must've been tired..." He mumbled and extended his hand slowly towards your hair until-

"What do you think you're doing?" He heard a voice enter the classroom as he quickly removed his hand and looked back at the source of the voice...

"Oh it's you." Amemiya stated with a fake smile.

"I'll ask again, what were you doing?"

"I'm pretty sure that's non of your damn business." Amemiya answered calmly with that same smile that annoyed the shit out of Hakuryuu.

"Non of my business? How is it non of my business?!"

"What are you, her boyfriend?" Amemiya's smile faded as he gave Hakuryuu a dirty look.

Hakuryuu scoffed, "Heh, no I'm not. But she's my best friend and she DOES have a boyfriends for your information."

"I couldn't care less." He simply said while walking by Hakuryuu as he purposely bumped his shoulder on his way out of the class.

Hakuryuu looked back at him while he was walking away but he then turned his head and gave Hakuryuu a smug smirk as he walked farther and farther.

Hakuryuu's POV:

What's his deal?! From where the hell did he come from?! And what on earth was he about to do to y/n?

I went over to her and woke her up...

"Hey y/n...wake up c'mon school is over." I shook her shoulder slightly as she groaned and finally woke up.

She stretched then looked at me with half closed eyes, "Hm? Is it time to go home now Haku?"

I nodded then she fully opened her eyes and stood up to pack her stuff.

"Baka...(idiot...)" I muttered but she heard me...

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" she asked oblivious.





I sighed and calmed down first, "Y/n...you shouldn't let your guard down so easily...especially that Amemiya is now in our school and in your class who sits RIGHT next to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like...don't doze off in class anymore!"

"Why what happened?!" she asked totally confused.

"Look, I don't know what he was doing or was going to do, but when I came to get you I found him standing by your desk staring at you and was about to touch or I don't know and if I hadn't come at the right time and stopped him, who knows what he could've done!" I explained quickly without stopping so I had to catch my breath after that.

Y/n blinked a few times before answering, "Aren't you overreacting?"

"NO I'M NOT! Look he's dangerous okay? You didn't see that dirty smirk he had plastered on his face while he was talking to me so please y/n...don't get deceived by him, don't let your guard down okay?" I held her shoulders and looked her seriously in the eyes. She nodded slowly then gave me her warm smile, "Thanks for helping me Haku. And don't worry I'll do as you say."

Your POV:

I waved good-bye to Hakuryuu then entered my house with a sigh.

At least tomorrow is the weekend so no Amemiya for 2 days!

[The next morning...]


I lazily picked my phone and checked the time first...

8:09 AM

What the? Who's texting me this early?

I opened my messages and Amemiya's name popped on the top.

I opened the message...

Amemiya Taiyou//

Good morning y/n!

I just wanted to tell you that coach Endou wanted to meet us all in the main soccer field

He told me to tell you

He wants to meet us there at 8:30 so don't be late :)

Gosh why does coach Endou want to meet us this early? Couldn't it wait? Arghh

I ruffled my hair slightly and went in the bathroom to get ready quickly because I didn't have much time.

After combing my hair slightly, I took my phone and keys then headed outside to the main field.

Wonder what does coach have to tell us...must be important to summon us this early and on the weekend...

Minutes later, I reached the field but didn't find anyone. Guess they're still not here...

Then I felt a hand tapping me on the shoulder so I turned quickly...

"Hi there." Amemiya said smiling at me.

"You startled me!" I said and he chuckled and apologised.

"Where's the rest?" I asked.

"There's no rest." He answered and I blinked a few times to comprehend what he said.

"Huh? Didn't you say coach Endou needed to meet us here?"

"Yeah...I didn't think you'd actually fall for that..." he laughed and I frowned still confused. "No one is meeting anyone here but you and me."

"Sooo basically you wanted to meet me here?" I asked and he nodded with a smile.

"You didn't have to lie though...I hate lying."

"Sorry y/n...but I had to tell you something important..." he said turning serious, "I actually know Tsurugi I've known him for a long time now..."


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