Surprise Call

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Your POV:

The match ended as a tie, 2-2.

As soon as we returned back to school, our two injured players were immediately escorted to the nurse's office for more treatment while the rest of us headed back to the soccer club.

The coach was telling us something but I had other matters on my mind, like why on earth did coach Endou avoid putting me on the field or why was Amemiya looking at me with that annoying smirk as if he was enjoying this!

I was seriously annoyed that afternoon and couldn't even focus in class...

"Miss L/n!" I heard the teacher yell and snap me out of my thoughts.


"I have called you multiple times! Focus in the lesson or you will be punished!"

I nodded and apologised as she continued with her lesson. But then I heard some snickering and when I looked beside me I found Amemiya chuckling while trying to hide his laughter...

He's unbelievable! Is he making fun of me?!

He then quickly stopped laughing when he saw me glaring at him and looked straight ahead while clearing his throat awkwardly.

>>Time skip>>

I was now walking home with Hakuryuu while ranting to him and complaining about what happened today...

"Can you believe it?!" I shouted.

"I honestly don't like that guy at all..."

"At first, he was kinda nice but now he's getting ok my nerves I don't know."

"Right? So what do we do when people annoy us?" He smiled an extra wide smile while looking at me, waiting for my answer...

"....we stay away from them?"


I giggled at his his actions, "Alright alright don't worry you don't need to remind me everyday!"

[The next morning...]

Before I went outside my house to walk to school, I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. So I got it out first and was surprised to see who was calling...

Kyousuke ♥️



"Hey y/n, good morning..."

"Good morning's weird that you called me at this hour. Is everything okay?"

I heard him chuckle slightly

"Yeah everything's fine don't worry. I just wanted to tell you as soon as possible."

"Tell me what??"

"That I'll be back in 2 weeks!"

I almost dropped my phone...



I squealed in happiness and I think I was a bit too loud because—

"WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN Y/N?! IT'S 7 IN FREAKING MORNING!" I heard Sui yell from upstairs as I quickly covered my mouth.

Seconds later I heard Kyousuke laughing on the phone

"Woah woah you should keep it down n/n"


"Don't worry, time will go by like a flash. I've already booked my flight and everything. Get ready to see clingy Tsurugi~"

"Wow! CLINGY Tsurugi?! That's news to me!"

"Well I haven't seen you in months! What do you expect? You'll be seeing me 24/7 after I come, So get ready"

"I don't mind though"

We laughed a bit then we hung up cuz we both gotta go to school now.

But I still can't believe it! I GET TO SEE KYOUSUKE AFTER 2 WEEKS YAYYY!!

Yoshi! (Alright!) I'll wait patiently till those 2 weeks go by!

[At school...]

I was so happy that I wasn't really focusing on anything else. Kyousuke was all in my mind right now...

"Why are you smiling like that? Something good happened?"

"Yeah! My boyfriend will finally come back from overseas! I can't wait to see—" I wasn't looking at who was asking because I thought it was Hakuryuu but when I turned my head, I found Amemiya standing by my desk with a smile.

"Go on." He simply said and I didn't know what to do...

Was it okay to tell him that? I don't know why but I feel that he and Kyousuke know each other all too well...

"!'m hungry! I'll head to the canteen now bye!" I stood up from my seat quickly then rushed outside the classroom.

Good! I stayed away from him!

Huh? Where's my money?? Did I forget to bring it from class?

I searched all my pockets but I didn't find any so I spun quickly to go back to class but I bumped into someone's chest by accident because that someone was standing right behind me...


"It's okay y/n. Where are you going?" A familiar voice?

I looked up to meet with Amemiya's blue eyes.

What the?! Dude I'm trying to stay away from you why do you keep following me?!

"I...forgot my money in class so I'll go bring it."

"You don't have" He dug his hand into his front pocket and got out some money then handed it over to me with a smile.

"No it's really fine I can just go back to class and get—"

"Break time is almost over. If you go back to class and then back here, the bell will ring and you won't be able to buy what you want." He actually had a point....but still though...


He then went to the canteen counter but turned his head back to me first, "What did you want from here?"

"Milk pudding..."

Then he turned his head back to the canteen lady and handed her the money.

Seconds later he walked back to me and gave me the milk pudding that I wanted...

"Um...thanks." I said with a slight smile.

"No worries. Let's go back to class now." He said.

While we were walking down the hall to our classroom, we heard two girls standing by the stairs and looking at us while whispering intensely.

Ohhh right....I forgot about that stupid rumour!

"Hey Amemiya...I don't think we should be walking together these days or at least until the rumour calms down." I said.

" got a point but..."

He stopped and smiled while tilting his head sideways...

"I actually don't mind that rumour at all..."

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now