Phone Call

757 42 17

Your POV:

I reached my house finally and unlocked the door. I just got my shoes and jacket off then greeted my mum and went upstairs to my room.

I always look forward to this time of's the time when Tsurugi and I finish school and get to talk to each other!

I didn't wait another second before I plopped myself on the bed and dialled his number on my phone.

And waited.


That's when I heard him on the other line pick up and heard his deep husky voice...

"Heya y/n..."

"Hello are you today?"

"*sigh* I'm fine now that I've heard your voice."

"*chuckle* Tough day?"

"Meh...I just miss you...and the team..."

"I know we miss you too a lot...
when will you come back?" I hesitated before I asked.


Tsurugi's POV:

I was laying on my bed in the school's dorm...talking to y/n.

Hearing her voice at the end of the day always calms me down and keeps me motivated.

It's like I have to take my daily dose of y/n or my day would end up messy and wrong and just awful...

"When will you come back?" She asked.

"Soon..." even though I'm not sure yet...

"Y/n...don't give me that sad look."

"Hah? How are you even seeing my look?!"

"I just know..."

"Damn you Kyousuke you know a lot about me!"

"Is that bad?"

" I actually like it..."


"Heh...I know y/n...but please, don't be sad...I promised you I'll come back soon. I'm almost done with my studies here."

"Mm...okay. I'll wait for you. You just focus on what's important."

"Oh? You want me to focus on you~?"

"Huh? I said focus on what's important!"

"Yeah YOU are what's important."

"Stop blushing."


"Ahahaha...I know you too well n/n. By the was your first day?"

"It was fine. Although..."


"Hakuryuu isn't with me in class and not even Aoi or Tenma or- OH WAIT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! AOI AND TENMA ARE NOW DATING!!" She squealed in excitement.

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now