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No one's POV:

"Did you see that post on social media? About that girl who's dating Tsurugi Kyousuke?" One of the two girls asked the other one who was applying lipstick.

"Yah girl I'm the one who uploaded it." She scoffed.

Your eyes widened when you heard those words.

"For real?! So is she really two timing Tsurugi and the new guy?"

"No I don't think so but I have seen that bitch hanging around Amemiya a lot lately. She doesn't deserve Tsurugi anyway."

You waited until they finished talking and went outside the bathroom. You unlocked the stall door and walked outside, anger and disappointment filling you.

"Why would she spread such a rumour?" You thought to yourself while trying to hold back the tears that were trying to crawl outside your orbs.

After a minute or so, you finally went outside for your next class which you were so unready for since you sit next to that new guy...

You sighed as you entered class because as soon as you stepped inside, murmurs and whispers emerged from the whole class while staring at you but surprisingly, Amemiya wasn't there. You thanked god for that and headed to your seat quietly.

>>Time Skip>>

Your POV:

Amemiya didn't attend the whole lesson just like on the first's still non of my business but it's getting weirder each time...

It was lunch break now but I was seriously so done with all the gossiping and whispering behind my back and even in front of me so I decided to go to the roof top for some fresh air and to clear my head.

As I opened the door to the roof top, a strong gust of wind blew in my face which actually felt good and refreshing.

It was a good idea coming here...

I walked towards the edge while holding back strands of my hair from the strong wind. I inhaled deeply...

I started thinking of a way to end that rumour once and for all but then I heard a voice that interrupted my thoughts...

I looked behind me but no one was there...but I heard the voice...I'm sure of it.

I looked around and spotted someone's head poking from the upper part of the rooftop, the par where we climb a couple more steps to reach the highest spot on school.

I went up there and the voice became clearer with each step I took...

"No it wasn't me who uploaded it, but I sure am tankful to whoever did it."


I got closer to see who was talking to who...

Amemiya? He's on the phone...who's he talking to?

I was curious so I stepped closer and closer until I accidentally kicked a small stone which made an audible sound...


"Huh? Who's there?"

Me and my curiosity...

I stepped to the side, revealing myself as he stared into my eyes...

He clicked on the phone, probably hung up on whoever he was talking to and returned his gaze to me...

"Do you always spy on people y/n?" he asked with a small smirk.

"N-No...I just came here for some fresh air and heard a voice up here so I wanted to check that's all." I defended myself and Amemiya sighed.

"But wait, why weren't you at class this afternoon? it's just like on the first da-"

"Shouldn't you avoid me these days to try and calm the gossip down?" He interrupted.

"So you saw the post?" I asked and he nodded.

"We're just friends that's all. I don't get why would anyone assume that we're dating."

So he feels uneasy from all the gossip too...

"It's fine...I'm sure it'll just last for a couple of days then everything will return back to normal." I tried being positive and he gave me a small smile.

But I still keep wondering why he disappears through the day all of a sudden...

And who was he talking to so seriously?

"Shall we head to class now? It's about to start." He snapped me out of my thoughts and I nodded.

We exited the roof top and went downstairs to our floor. As soon as we entered class together, students all around us started staring and whispering again...

Arghh...It's so frustrating!

But Amemiya didn't look bothered at all and headed calmly to his seat...

Is he trying to act cool or he doesn't even care?

I went to my seat next to him and seconds later, I found a piece of paper thrown at me from his direction...

I opened it to read it:

Don't let it bother you.

I gave him a small smile and nodded, then the teacher entered so everyone went back to their seats.

[A few moments later...]

"Miss L/n and Mr. Amemiya, please exit my class at once." I heard the teacher say as I looked at hm confused...

"Excuse me?"

"Why?" Asked Amemiya with his eye brows furrowed.

"Your presence is distracting the whole class too much, they've been staring at the both of you and whispering non stop and not concentrating on the lesson so I'm afraid you'll have to leave. Now."

"Huh?!" I exclaimed.

"But how is this our fault?!" Yelled Amemiya at the teacher but it wasn't helpful...we got kicked out anyway...

"This is so unfair!" I yelled while walking beside Amemiya in the school campus.

"That stupid sensei (teacher)'s not our fault that those jerks are whispering about is why is life so unfair DAMMIT!" Amemiya cursed and kicked a small stone that was on the ground.

I never thought that Amemiya would look so scary when angered...

But apparently the stone he kicked, ended up hitting smeone on the back of his head...

I know that someone...isn't that Hakuryuu?

He turned his head and glared at Amemiya but then noticed me standing there beside him and ended up glaring at me...

He approached us...


AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now