The Real Welcome Back

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No one's POV:

A few weeks later, your wound had finally healed and you were discharged from the hospital.

It was really boring sitting in a bed for weeks now, you were genuinely happy to get out in the open, go back to school, see your friends and family and most of all...hanging out with a certain someone who hasn't visited or called in MORE THAN 5 DAYS!


It's been more than 5 days now and Tsurugi hasn't visited you nor did he even call in the past few days, even though he knows the date of your discharge.

And that made you kinda upset especially that it's been a year since you saw him or hung out with him.

The least you expected was for him to be right outside your hospital room door, waiting for you with his addictive smile, holds your hand and go out together or something...

But no...apparently that didn't happen...

Even Hakuryuu disappeared the last couple of days.

'Where did everyone go to? How could they leave me all alone after what happened to me?!'
You thought in disbelief as you made your way towards your house.

Your POV:

"I'm baaaaaack~" I yelled through the doorway and immediately regretted it as I was hug-attacked by my brother and mother...

"Y/N! MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER! YOU'RE FINALLY BACK! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH MY SWEETIE!" My mum yelled in my poor ear but it was understandable...

In case you're wondering what we have told her, I was walking alone through a dark alley and some gangsters showed up and injured me but luckily Tsurugi and Hakuryuu came in time before everything went worse.

Of course I'm not telling my light-hearted mum that I was shot by a psycho who sits beside me in class, deals with dangerous chemicals and almost died. Not happening.

I patted her and hugged them both back, "It's okay now! I'm good as new, don't cry mum!"

"Y/n! Don't you EVER go wandering around by yourself at night again, do you hear me?!" She held my shoulders and made sure I heard her loud and clear.

I nodded my head, "Yes of course mum. It won't happen again don't worry!"

She hugged me again and then finally let me enter in peace.

I went up to my room and let out a deep sigh...

"I missed this place...the hospital room was too dull and depressing..."

I laid down on my bed while staring at the familiar ceiling, capturing all the memories of the past incidents that happened with us.

Now Amemiya is held down by the police and Tsurugi is finally back...everything feels normal again but somehow it still doesn't feel quite right...

I grabbed my phone to check it but no...

0 missed calls

0 text messages

I tried calling him but it kept ringing to voice mail...

Where IS everyone??

Tomorrow is a normal school day so I'm finally going back since what felt like ages. I hope Tsurugi goes too...

[The Next Day...]

I was walking in my usual route to school feeling the fresh morning breeze that I've missed so much while I was staying at the hospital.

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now