Truth is Out

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Hey Guys, so this is a story me and HollowLegend did for you all about a mutual ship we enjoy. A few things to know before we start, Izuku's father is AFO and he also has OFA with his lightning red instead of green. This takes place after the Kamino ward battle, and Ochako knows of OFA. Now that the important things are done, lets get going.

3rd person POV:

For the past few months, Izuku and Ochako had been dating with everything falling into place for them. Since the entrance exams, both had obtained feelings for one another to a point it had blossomed into a mutual love between them both. After the events of the Kamino ward incident, Izuku had realized just how important Ochako was to him and decided to muster all the courage he had. He had asked her out with expectancy for her to say no. To him, nobody would want the son of a villain that nearly killed All Might not once, but twice that had also killed or harmed many in the process. But what he didn't know was that Ochako had loved him and tried to keep her emotions down below the surface to not hinder him. Once he finally said the magic words of 'I love you, please go out with me' to her, she immediately hugged him as tight as she could and agreed to it. They had spent a bunch of dates getting to know each other enough where they would keep their life an open book. Unfortunately, Izuku was hiding a major secret from her. One about a certain hotheaded classmate they know.

"Outta the way losers!" Bakugou had practically shoved the two walking to class together apart with no exact reason but to anger the two. Ordinarily, this would not make an issue to the two. But today it did for Ochako. "Why don't you say excuse me for once instead of busting through people jerk!" She shouted this without realizing it to have him look back at them. "The fuck did you say to me?" He glared at Ochako with intent to kill while explosions went off in his hands. "You think, just because that villain bastard of a nerd is your damned toy...YOU CAN SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!?" He began to pull his right arm back in a fit of rage to attack her while shouting. "DIIIEEE!" He released an explosion that hit it's mark, or so he thought. Ochako had opened her eyes to find not a scratch on her with someone in front of her. "I'm giving you the chance now to walk away Kaachan before this gets ugly fast."

The smoke clears to show Izuku in front of Ochako with the top half of his uniform destroyed with scars littering on his body shown. Some were from their time at UA, but most were from a time before. Ochako had seen only his back to notice a large amount of burn scars and gashes that she knew were never done in the time she knew Izuku. 'What happened to him? Some look enormous? Where did he get all of these?' "Tch, next time your bitch gets out of line I won't hold back." Bakugou walks away while flipping the two off. Immediately, Izuku turns around to make sure Ochako wasn't harmed or anything.

"Ochako, are you ok? He didn't get you at all, did he?" Ochako comes out of her train of thought to see Izuku worried for her. "I-I'm fine Deku. But what happened to you? Your covered in scars." Izuku looked at his body to hold a bit of sadness. "Something that I don't like to discuss in public." Ochako wanted to learn more, but stopped seeing how much pain was in her boyfriend's face. She accepted it and let it go for now. She did not let it leave her mind however. For the entire day, she began thinking about the scars and how Izuku got them. Once the final bell rang, her and Izuku rushed to the dorms to have a nice little stay home date in his room with a large bowl of popcorn, a pack of mochi, and a few things of soda to watch a romantic little movie together.

As the movie reached it's credits, Ochako had felt Izuku's arms reach around her as he began to move his lips to hers. As he did, she melted into his soft feel with complete satisfaction. She felt as if everything in her life was perfect at that moment. Unfortunately, life can't always be perfect. "OI, SHITTY DEKU! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE YOU DAMNED VILLAIN!" "Grrr, and we had the best mood going too." "Ignore him, he'll go away eventually." They waited a few minutes with Bakugou shouting and screaming until he finally kicked the door open. "GET THE FUCK OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!" "Can we please do this tomorrow, it's date night for me and Ochako." "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOUR SCREWING! COME AND FIGHT ME NOW, OR I'M GONNA BLAST YOUR FUCKING FACE INTO OBLIVION!" Izuku got up from his comfy position to walk to Bakugou.

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