Evil Couple

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Alright, so this one is going to take place with Bakugou and Toga while in the League. The Paranormal Liberation front was already established for any that want to know with Gigantomachia in the group as well. Enjoy.

As the members of class A went on with their normal lives, the members of the League had begun their work on a war between society and them. "Oi, master. When are we gonna be ready to kill the heroes?" Bakugou had walked in to see him and the members of the newly named Paranormal Liberation Front discussing work. "It will take some time. We are facing the man that nearly killed you, stopping him will not be an easy task." Bakugou scoffed as a man with receding lines that went almost halfway back towards his head tried to calm him down. "My apologies Calamitus, we will hopefully devise a plan to stop Izuku Midoriya soon. Remember what they say, good things come to those who wait."

The explosive blond walks away with Toga getting up as well. She follows him out of the mansion in the hills that they were in to see Bakugou go near the town. "You go into town like that, a hero is gonna snag you~." Bakugou looks over to see Toga with a hoodie on and another in her hands. "I'd like to see them try." "Oh come on Kaa~chan, don't be a sour puss." Toga looks at him with innocent eyes while the blond admits defeat and takes the hoodie in his hands. They started heading down to see the city was like any other. Lively and irritating to them.

"So why did you wanna take a trip with me?" "Cause I wanna see if you kill someone and make them bloody. You have a way to make even those people you put holes in look pretty with how torn to bits they are." The crazed blond says this with a bit of a fangirl like smile for Bakugou to roll his eyes. "Whatever." They started to pass a store that had the top 10 pros on. Bakugou watched just out of old habit of enjoying seeing what pros were to get what place. Now, he just wants to see who could be worth taking down.

For the most part, the lineup for the pros compared to last year weren't as different in his mind. The only major difference was the addition of Kamui Woods and the former top five being now the top four. "Looks like Endeavor is now the new number one officially~." Bakugou saw this with Noticing All Might helping choreograph it and saying a few words to thank the members of the Kamino raid. An angered scowl found its way on bakugou's face with him clenching his own fingers. "You ok Bakugou?" He walked away with some back alley thug pointing a knife in his face. "Gimme your money!" Bakugou glanced at the thug with a smile on his face. "Ok, but let's do this in the alley."

The thug did this with them being a bit away from wandering eyes before teleporting behind the poor thug. "You wanted to steal my money?" Bakugou snapped his fingers for a hole to be blasted where the thug's heart was located. "You deserve what you get." Toga ran into the alley to see the scene and whine. "Oh man, and I wanted to see his guts go splat." Bakugou began to hold his eye in pain with Toga noticing. "It still hurts, doesn't it." "That shitty nerd. He's gonna pay for what he did to my face!" On the right side of his face, Bakugou had a rather large scar from the burn he obtained while fighting Izuku. It went rather deep with his face being warped looking because of it.

"Oh, but you look so cute with that scar. If my man had a scar like that, I'd kiss it all day long~." Toga states this while making a kissing face. Bakugou gets a bit of satisfaction with this while walking out of the alley. "Hurry up or go home." The two left the alley with stopping at a small diner to get something to eat and drink. "So, what kind of payback do you want to do on Izuku? Can I join in?" The blond smirked at this while explaining what he had in mind. "First, I was thinking of kidnapping the kid and putting her in foster care somewhere away from them until it was over." "Understandable, the kid did nothing."

Bakugou took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Next, I'd use his mom to lure Deku and his slut to some deserted area before making a trap for him. When the master steals every quirk from him. I'm going to blow a hole right through his fat pig of a mom's stomach while he watches. After, I say we do a little tag team on making his bitch girlfriend cry for forgiveness while showing him just how to plug her filthy holes up for squealing. When she finally breaks, I'll chop her head off to show it to her loser boyfriend. After this, I say we get a little payback on his disgusting classmates. Line them up all in a row for the master to take every one of their heads off by decaying their necks to force the heads down into their laps. Then and only then, will I blast every limb he has off, pull his teeth, stab a metal pipe through his tongue, rip every organ I can out, and blow his brains out."

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