Training Under the Veil of Darkness

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So before going forward. Up above is Bakugou's villain costume in this. Respect to the artist since this is an amazing piece. Now, onto the chapter.

Katsuki POV

"DIIIEEEE!!" "RRROOOOAAAARRRR!!!" "*pant* *pant* Finally got you asshole!" Ever since I was taken in by the League, I've been training with trying to kill a Nomu quirkless. What made this difficult was the fact it had a regeneration and a high level strength enhancer. Whenever I would attempt to stab it or dislocate its arms, the bastard would regenerate them like it was nothing. I regularly had myself beaten bloody every day with Shigaraki healing me with a regeneration quirk from his AFO. This made me have to think outside the box a bit. I had to stop it by keeping it from regenerating. The only way to do that though, was to instantly kill it. All it's muscles though made it impossible to get the neck or chest. But then it occured to me, attacking the brain that's opened up. So when I got the chance, I got behind it and cut into its head until it stopped moving.

"*clap* *clap* *clap* Excellent work Bakugou. The fact you killed a Nomu with no quirk is no easy feet. Count yourself skillful." I regained my composure before looking at Shigaraki. "Alright. I passed your test, now what's the reward?" "Straight to the point, I like that. I have two quirks that will allow you to do a special favor of mine in your next assignment. The first is a quirk that allows you to explode fat like you would make explosions with your other quirk called Fat Incineration. All you have to do is touch the person, and the fat in that general area will become similar to a time bomb. The second is a quirk that allows you to fast travel with just a single step to travel 50 meters of a radius that requires you to wait 10 seconds before using again called Flash Step." I smile at this while he gives me them.

The feeling felt weird when he did this. It felt like something was forcing itself inside me before the info to use them came into my head. "Why don't you use the first quirk on that Nomu." I walk over to the corpse to touch the area near its heart. "Now snap your fingers." *snap* As I did this, a huge explosion happened that left a gaping hole in the Nomu the size of my hand. I started to smile at this. "This I like." I knew you would. Now for the reason you are having two quirks. Have you ever heard of the Yakuza?" "That old time band of thugs that are out of date today?" "Yes. To make a long story short, we have an unstable partnership with them after they killed Magna and us killing one of their guys in the process."

I smile at this. "So are we killing him?" "Perhaps. But he found a way to erase quirks without the need of AFO. I want you to find out how and why a little girl plays a role in this." "A little girl?" "I do not know the details, but their leader Overhaul had come to me asking for a quirk and information from UA on your old 'friend' and where he's hiding her. I had given him a weak combination quirk. He will be able to merge with matter, but it can only be organic by nature as a way to calm himself down." "So you want me to find out about the girl and spy on him." "Find out why she's important. I have a spy that can find her. When you get enough info, I leave his fate in your hands." "As you wish, my master." I walk down the hall to my room before thinking of the first day I left UA.

Flashback about a week ago

After leaving UA, I found myself on a bench completely pissed off. 'No way I'm sitting the fuck down and accepting all my dreams to be number 1 go down the damn toilet thanks to those losers! I'm getting back at them if it's the last thing I do!' "Can't even believe they stole my fucking quirk too." I started getting too mad to just sit down and began to walk in an alley. While doing so, some assholes tried to hold me up. "Let's make this quick buddy. Give us your cash, and you live." "What was that?" I glared at the asshole talking with him holding a knife at me. In that instant, I lost my nerve and attacked him. I was able to tackle him down to take the knife. "You little-AAAAAHHHH!" I slammed the thing in his shoulder while twisting it around to cause more damage.

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