Dawn of War

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About 3 months had passed for the members of class A with the second year about to start. But just before it was about to, Aizawa had asked for all to follow him to buses going off campus and quite a distance. Each member of the class had taken their hero costume with their teacher being tight lipped about what was going on. Once they got to their destination, they were met with nearly every pro hero in Japan to shock and kinda scare all of the now second year students. "Wait, what's going on?" "Something tells me we're gonna find out soon." Izuku looked around with a bit of worry that his fears were becoming a reality. "Hey! What's up everyone." The members of class A turned their heads to see the former Big 3 walking over. "Hey, so you all know what's going on here? I keep asking, but nobody wants to answer. It's so frustrating, I really wanna know!" "Patients Nejire. We're now sidekicks, so we need to set a better example."

While they were talking, a man came to a podium near the front of the complex they were doing this at. "Good morning to you all. I have brought you all here to discuss something very important." "Isn't that the commissioner of the police?" "This oughta be pretty big." "As of 3 months ago, a spy of ours that had infiltrated the League of Villains had obtained some staggering information on his end." Everyone was on the edge of their seats as the commissioner stated the next part. "It would appear that the enemy has over 100,000 members at their disposal and that some exist in our very police force, journalist groups, even among the heroes themselves." The last statement made all the heroes in the room start to become skeptical of each other. "Be at ease. The heroes and armed forces in this room are all on our side. However, we will require immediate and swift action in order to capture every member of this 'Paranormal Liberation Front' as they call themselves."

The commissioner then had explained his action of three groups to be made. The first was to pull civilians out of areas where there are large numbers of the enemy. This one will be consisting of mostly police and heroes who specialize in crowd control. The second group will work with apprehending members of the Liberation front in the areas. Thanks to the information the informant gave, they were able to narrow down almost everyone that wasn't in the specific spot for a meeting that would take place. This would consist of support and some combat pros in a way to help stop fights from being prolonged more than they have to. The final group would consist of heavy hitters to perform a raid on the enemies stronghold. The goal was to cut the head of the snake off before the rest of the group knew what hit them.

"For the final raid, we will need a few members of it to partake in a leading charge to take down the most brutal of them. The four enemies you should be particularly worried about are known as ReDestro, Gigantomachia, Calamitus, and Shigaraki. You must take these four down above all else." The leader of the police began reading off 10 names for people who were part of this. "Endeavor, Miruko, Crust, Eraserhead, Ryukyu, Nejirechan, Present Mic, Cementos, Pixie Bob, and One For All. These ten heroes will be part of the raid." Miruko was the first to raise her hand at this. "Ok, I get the sidekick from seeing some stuff on how she works. But why are we putting a kid that barely has his foot in the door?" "Though he does not look it, One For All has proven himself more than worthy of being capable of fighting as a pro. Any other questions?" Nobody had raised their hand. "Then get ready to have the fight commence. We begin the operation in one hour."

Everyone went to change with Izuku's nerves being completely on edge. "Izuku, you ok?" The OFA and AFO user looked over to see Ochako and Eri worried for him. "I'll be alright. I'm just a little nervous about this." "Don't worry, you'll do great daddy! You're the coolest hero ever!" "I wouldn't call myself the coolest hero 'ever' but thank you for the complement sweetie." "Seems you three are doing well." Izuku looked over to see the Pussycats. "Are you almost ready Midoriya? We gotta leave in a few minutes." Izuku nodded when his phone and every pro hero's began to go off. Once they answered, a certain blond was on the other side smirking at everyone. "Hello heroes, my name is Calamitus and I know what you're all thinking. Unlike many, I've learned of your shitty plan and will explain it at our meeting before we begin. If you want to stop us, have Deku come to fight me himself." The next part of the message was directed solely to Izuku. "This is to you nerd. I'm going to take everything you hold dear and destroy it in front of you. Your mom's gonna die after seeing you become quirkless, your slut is gonna fall to pieces, and those loser friends of yours are going to die in a row, starting with four eyes and icyhot."

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