Tenko's Adjustment

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A few weeks had passed with the members of class A getting used to having their newest members Tenko and Hana in the group. Though they didn't have much difficulty with the two siblings, they couldn't help the shaking feeling of having the man that almost killed them quite a few times in the dorm. Even though Izuku reassured them saying it wasn't his fault and he's never going to become Shigaraki again, that didn't exactly pull all the fear in them out of the once leader of the League sharing a roof with them. It was early in the morning for Tenko as he came down to see some members already up and getting ready for their day. As he turned the corner, the young boy was met with Kaminari almost bumping into him. "Shigaaaaaiiimean Tenko. Morning bud." "Hello, Kaminari right?" "Yup. What's up bud?" Tenko looked around while asking a question. "Is cousin Izuku awake yet?" "It's daddy now Tenko." Hana came behind him with Snowflake in her hands for the two to look at her. "Sorry you two, he's not awake yet. He should wake up soon though."

Tenko and Hana decided to sit on the couch to play with the white cat before Toko came to sit on Tenko's lap. Meanwhile, Kaminari walked away to speak to Jirou out of ear range. "This is creepy. I know he's not the same man that tried to kill us, but that doesn't mean it's easy to accept the fact the same man that tried to kill us is sitting in the living room right now." "Just accept it Kaminari. He's not a bad kid. The second you get over it, you can see just how nice of a kid Tenko actually is." "Oh please, he makes one complement to you and you're putty in his hands." "Putty's fun to play with though." Hana shouts this as the electric quirk user freezes knowing Tenko might've overheard him. He glances over to see his head down. Before going any farther, Jirou shoves her aux cords in Kaminari's eyes because of what he said. "You made him sad, now go apologize you jerk!" "OW! Ok, I'm sorry Tenko." "LIKE YOU MEAN IT DAMMIT!" 'And this is why no guy likes you other than me.' "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings Tenko. It's hard on all of us, but me saying that was a little over the edge. Can you forgive me, and maybe not tell your dad this?" The small boy nodded while petting Toko who enjoyed the attention.

'At least Midoriya wasn't here. Then again, he changed his name to Yagi. Either way, I'd rather not screw with him.' Kaminari was stopped by Izuku watching the whole thing with Ochako behind him rather ticked along with Eri who was half asleep. "If you didn't apologize for that, I would've shown you who you should fear more Jamming Yay." Izuku's eyes began to go from silver to blood red to prove he meant business before Kaminari walked slightly to the side out of his way. The AFO user placed Eri beside Tenko while asking what they were in the mood for with agreeing on eggs for breakfast. Meanwhile, Kaminari was praying to whatever god he could to keep Izuku from going actual Shigaraki crazy on him. "No offence Kaminari, but you deserve this fear." Jirou went to the kids with three things of orange juice as something for them to enjoy before breakfast was ready.

Later that afternoon

As the day neared its end, Izuku and some of his classmates decided to do a bit of training to try and see if they could find a way around fighting someone with more than one quirk. "I've got you now!" This session had Kaminari, Iida, Ochako, Jirou, Todoroki, and Kirishima going against Izuku with the kids watching to the side. "Not quite Kaminari." Izuku charged the electric quirk user to send him flying into a wall. "I guess you're a fan of wham you electrified oaf." The kids began to snicker at this while watching everyone continue their onslaught to only fail on them. "This is kinda...one sided." "Yeah, daddy's super strong and can kick everyone's butts." Hana and Eri began talking with Tenko noticing something about Izuku. "He's holding back. Even with just using five quirks, he's still holding back a lot." "I'VE GOT YOU NOW MIDORIBROAAAAAHHHH!" Kirishima began being sent back for an eighth time to a wall with Izuku commenting on this to Ochako. "He's quite persistent." "From what Ashido said to me, you have no idea."

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