War of Childhood Friends

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Izuku and Bakugou had charged at one another with intent to kill the other. Thanks to everyone being free, Izuku was able to go all out on the ash blond activating all quirks possible in his disposal. Seeing his old childhood friend pull out all the guns, Bakugou had done the same. Izuku sent a barrage of blades at Bakugou before the ash blond turned his skin to diamond to shatter the blades. "You think you can beat me with that lame ass trick Deku-" Izuku cut him off with a knee to the face and sent Bakugou into a pile of rubble. In the process, the building began to fall apart and forced the two to get out of the way of the debris. Both stood atop the rubble to attack each other again with Bakugou slammed a blade hand in Izuku's stomach. "Gyaa!" "Ha! You better give up now Deku!" Izuku headbutted Bakugou's skull forcing both their skulls to crack in the act. This did practically nothing since both could heal the injuries they were giving one another. In the end, it all depended on who would run out of steam first.

"Face it Deku, I've always been the better one between us. Now that we're on a level playing field, you're nothing compared to me!" Bakugou sent a giant earthquake at Izuku who stopped the rumble by holding the tectonic plates himself. "You honestly think you're better than me!? Do you even realize how far that arrogance of yours led you down a dark path!?" An arrow of steel came at Izuku for him to catch it and throw the object back. Bakugou turns the arrow to dust with Decay before activating a storm quirk to hit Izuku with lightning. This did almost nothing as Izuku turned his body rubber to keep himself from being a conductor. "I think everything should be settled now. Set up the camera." In the distance, a Nomu was seen with a projector to show something on the side of a building. "Let's begin with Icyhot and his slut." The screen showed the Todoroki house with some ice and fire in it. The camera moved to the living room to show both Shoto and Momo unharmed enjoying a cup of tea watching the fight while the Nomu were frozen completely and Dabi was tied in a corner with anti quirk cuffs on. "Shoto, I think that camera is projecting something?" The bicolored pro hero looked back at the camera and at the TV to realize what's happening. "So it is."

"WHAT THE FUCK!? GO TO RACOON EYES AND SHITTY HAIR!" The footage changed to Kirishima and Ashido's home who were having a staring contest on top of Compress and Spinner who were unconscious in a similar situation. "Dang it! You're too good at this game!" "Yes! Un- de-fea-ted!" "IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE!? IDIOT AND EARS!" The camera in the residence showed the Nomu taken down along with Geten beaten down in a similar act. To the side was Jirou getting a back massage on a small mat in her underwear by Kaminari. "You're so tense here." "Why do you think I'm asking you to do this?" "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! FOUR EYES AND THE GEARHEAD!" The image showed Iida and Hatsume going over possible additions to hero costumes with Kurogiri taken down along with the Nomu in a corner. "This one seems to look like it'll work much efficiently." "Maybe, but it's so plain and unexpressive. What about this one?" "HOW THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING!? PUT ON DEKU'S BITCH AND THE BRATS!" The scene was now shown to be the Midoriya residence with Ochako enjoying a cup of tea with the kids and some mochi while watching the fight. The cats were on their laps enjoying the attention as Snow started licking Ochako's pregnant stomach. "Look kids, we're on TV." "Hi dad!" The kids turned around and smiled as Izuku gave a smile and waved at the cameraman who was recording this. "Hi kids. Make sure to brush your teeth after that, ok?" They nodded with Bakugou now losing it even more. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? HOW THE FUCK DID WE LOSE TO THEM!?"

"Face it Bakugou. While you were trying to get us with Nomu, we've been busting our butts getting stronger too. I knew it was only a matter of time until I faced you again, so I made sure to prepare everyone in class A as a precautionary. Face it, you lost. Come in quietly and we may go a little easier on your sentence where you won't be locked up and never see the light of day again." Bakugou looked at the pro AFO user while activating every quirk he could. "You think you've got me? You have no idea how wrong you are, Deku." Bakugou came at Izuku with several arms growing out of him with each one having a different quirk of fire, speared bones, lightning, ect active. Izuku dodged them while noticing something significant about Bakugou. "What's wrong Kaachan, running out of steam?" "SHUT UP!" He kept attacking Izuku with the speed he was moving at decreasing significantly. Eventually, it got to a point that Izuku didn't even have to take Bakugou as a threat with him kneeling on the ground.

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