Beginning of the End

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Izuku had found himself directly in front of the courthouse where the meeting was taking place and was met with some of his former classmates and other heroes. "What's the situation so far?" "He's holding the group in the center of the building with at least a dozen Nomu from what the cops can get." Shoji states this as he notices Bakugou on top of the building. "This ends tonight. Have the cops hold their position. The way Bakugou is, he'll follow through with his threats." Izuku jumped above the building to land directly on the opposite side of where the ash blond was. "So you finally made it Deku." "Katsuki Bakugou. In the name of the law and public decency of Japan that has been given to me, I hereby place you under arrest for crimes of murder, use of a quirk without a liscense, and several other charges. If you come with me quietly, this does not have to get-" Izuku was cut off by a blast of air pressure sent at his face. "You know, I always thought you were weak because you had to steal others' powers. But you know what, I couldn't be more satisfied."

Izuku gritted his teeth before answering. "Funny. This is coming from the man who beat me for just thinking I'll become a villain with my quirk. Now the tables are turned! Maybe we should've outcast you growing up instead of me. Even as kids, you were always the most likely person to become a villain from your attitude." This comment made Bakugou rather irritated before beginning to activate a storm quirk he had. "Guess we'll see who's the better of us now on an even playing field Deku." "Don't make me do this. We both know this won't end well." A bolt of lightning came at Izuku for him to dodge activating OFA. "Just so you know, you were warned."

With Ochako

While the small family witnessed the events on the TV unfold, Ochako had to get up and use the restroom feeling nature call. "I'll be right back." As she handled this, Toga made her way into the house with some Nomu. Since they were dealing with Shigaraki, one was given a quirk deactivation function. "Alright, I'll check upstairs. Deacti, you're with me and the rest go down and see if they're on the first floor. Remember, we kill after catching and showing." The beasts followed Toga's orders and began separating. Before coming up to the living room, something grabbed them to physically rip the heads off the beasts and pull the carcasses into the closet to not scare the family.

While watching, Tenko began to feel a tad cold and remembered a nice comfy blanket the family uses that's in the upstairs storage closet. While walking down the hallway, he felt some strange water on his socks thinking maybe a pipe broke or something. Little did he know, he stepped in blood before going upstairs. He went straight for the closet to grab the blanket before hearing ruffling in the room next to it. "...Butter, are you into something you shouldn't again?" The noise stopped with Tenko getting a bad feeling. "Snowflake? Toko? Ben? Fluffy? Is that you?" He started opening the door with a hand grabbing him through the door by the neck. "Seems you made our job a little easier. Hello Tomura, been a while." Toga smiled sadistically at Tenko as he went pale. "What nngh! What are you doing here?" "Simple, we're here to make Izuku's life a living hell and you're going to hel-" "MROOWW!!" Before she could finish, Butter attacked Toga clawing at her face while Toko and Snowflake attacked the Nomu's. "GET THIS CRAZY CAT OFF ME!"

Both did not notice a being behind them knocking both the Nomu and Toga away picking Tenko up. "You ok?" His vision was a little hazy before seeing it was Izuku. "Dad? I thought you were at the place where Bakugou was?" "I'm a clone. To make it simple, I was made as a safety precaution if a villain was bold enough or dumb enough to attack us at our home. I already took care of two of the three Nomu with this one being the last." Toga had gotten up clearly agitated to no end. "WHY IS IT THAT YOU'RE ALWAYS THE ONE THAT SCREWS EVERYTHING UP!? NOMU, KILL HIM THEN GRAB THE BOY!" The beast did as he was ordered with the clone Izuku activating a few quirks he could use indoors. The act had slowed the monster down, but for some reason wasn't harming it. This started to become an issue when the monster grabbed Izuku's neck to forcibly deactivate all his quirks. "Too bad. I guess our Nomu was better than you."

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