Knowing What It Feels Like to be Helpless

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Izuku prepares to fight Bakugou with it still feeling wrong for him. "I'm going to say this once Kaachan, I don't think this is right. Fighting you without a quirk is something I don't want to do." "Ha! Even with all that power, your still a fucking puss-" Bakugou is stopped by a punch of Izuku's to the face to send him flying through a several buildings. "But I didn't say it wouldn't feel satisfying." Bakugou couldn't move at this point. Every bone he could break was broken with him nearly losing consciousness. Izuku floated over to Bakugou and began to heal him after. "Is that enough Mr. Aizawa?" "That'll do for now. Stay down there and I'll send Iida next." They both waited for Iida to be the next to face Bakugou. "So what are you gonna do four eyes? Lecture me like you always do for it to just blow fucking hot air up your-" "Recipro Burst!" Bakugou was sent flying yet again into a building. He didn't go as far as he did with Izuku, but he was clearly broken. "That was for telling Midoriya to kill himself." Iida was fit to be tied. Not only was Izuku one of his closest friends, he had also helped him when Stain was about to kill him because of his self desire for vengeance. To Iida, Izuku was a friend he could trust and rely on. He felt horrible knowing his friend went through what he did without even knowing.

"Alright, come back to the observation room Iida. We'll send the next person while you're heading back." This was the cycle for 16 more times. The members of class A would beat Bakugou till he couldn't move anymore, Izuku would heal him as good as new, and the next combatant would do the same. The last person was the one that desired this probably the most. Ochako. "Alright Uraraka, you're the last one up." She began to smile at this while cracking her knuckles. "Lets just point this out Bakugou, I'm going to enjoy making you squirm like you made Izuku over the years." "Ha! What are you gonna do? Suck me off like you do some fucking assholes at a ba-" Bakugou is stopped by a kick to the crotch by Ochako. "So you still have the balls to think your the better person." She began to smile with an evil aura around her. "This'll be fun." She immediately grabbed Bakugou's arm to judo flip him to the ground. She began to dig the heels of her costumes boots into his torso and twist to watch him shout in pain. Next, she floated up in the air with her zero gravity quirk before releasing it. The act made her land directly on Bakugo's stomach to have him shout again.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FAT BITCH!" "How rude!" Ochako punched Bakugou in the face not once, not twice, but twenty times to break his jaw, his nose, blacken his eyes, give him a fat lip, and shatter his skull. She only stopped because she saw that he was unable to take anymore without the threat of him dying on her. She didn't want him to take the easy way out. She wanted him to know what it felt like to be targeted like Izuku was. Before getting up however, she spat on his face and flipped him off to add insult to injury. "Izuku, he's a little too banged up. Could you please fix him?" She smiled at Izuku for him to heal Bakugou back to what he was. "Do you want to keep going Mr. Aizawa?" "...I think he's realized how weak he is now compared to everyone else. He didn't even last a full minute with anyone before being too broken to move. However, that doesn't mean his punishment is over. For the next month, he will not have his quirk returned, he won't be part of hero training, and he will be put under watch. If he does anything that makes us need to scold him, he will be expelled without a second thought and resign his quirk to you indefinitely."

"Sir, isn't that a little to fa-" "THIS ISN'T FAIR! ALL I DID WAS PICK ON THE FUCKING NERD WHO HAS NO PROOF IT HAPPENED NOW!" "You want proof it happened? We have records Midoriya's own mother kept hoping someone would do pick up his case. Fortunately for her, we don't tolerate your action or give you special treatment. Your lucky we don't expel you right now with what we have on you. If you play by the rules, you may get your quirk back. But being a hero may now be out of reach for you. If you have anyone to blame, blame yourself." Aizawa shut off the loudspeaker with Bakugou glaring at Izuku and Ochako. "This is your fucking fault. If you had kept your mouth shut, none of this would've happened!" "You heard Mr. Aizawa Bakugou, blame yourself for this. Lets go Izuku, that fudge should be set by now and I'm dying to have a piece of it." The two walk away with Bakugou enraged at what happened.

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