✴️ Prologue ✴️

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Walking silently going to school had became Halilintar's constant routine ever since he was in his elementary years. As usual, he had his earphones plugged in his ears, listening to some rock songs from his phone while both of his hands were shoved inside the pockets of his jeans.

Supposedly Halilintar would walk alone everytime he goes to school, but sometimes, his close friend— who also happens to be his brother— Taufan, would come along by his side to start their journey. So at this point, he is walking with his wind elemental best friend. But because his friend is much of a lively and talkative person towards him, he honestly found him very annoying so he prefer to walk alone sometimes.

Despite that, he still enjoys his friend's company with him. But sometimes, he was just too shy to admit it. This indeed, makes him a tsundere type of person.

Since, he doesn't want to look rude infront of his long-time best friend, he took one of his earphones out and let his other ear listened to his boisterous chatters.

"Can't believe we're graduating this school year!" Taufan exclaimed, while shaking his peevish friend's shoulder in excitement.

"Taufan! Stop that!" Halilintar growled, glaring at his wind elemental friend. "And it's still our first day of school!" He added, tugging his shoulder off from his friend's grip.

"Still!" The cheerful boy beamed, giggling. "Are you excited about it though?" He asked, glancing at his grumpy friend.

The electric elemental hummed in thought. Yes, he couldn't wait for their high-school years to end. But, that thought of them, separating, for their own future's sake as soon as they graduated, saddens him to be honest.

Though he didn't want to admit it but, he did enjoyed every second, every moment, and every journey he had in Stanford High. Truthfully he'd gone through so much, but look at where he is right now. Not to mention, competing with his long-time rival, Solar for almost everyday, about being the king of popularity, is one of his most unforgettable moment, and will always be. He snickered on that thought.

"Well, yeah? I guess so...?" Halilintar replied, unsure of his answer.

"Sweet!~" Taufan chirped, his bright smile then turned to a teasing smirk. "But, are you going to miss your rival though?~" He asked, as he poked the side of his friend. This made the popular bad boy to move slightly farther, avoiding him then gave him a death glare.

"Leave me alone or I'll kick your face off!" He threatened, his wind elemental friend only laughed at him cheekily.

"Why you gotta be so in denial, Hali?~" Taufan teased once more, looking at him with a smug face.

The famous red-eyed elemental scowled at him. "Give me that face one more time, I'll make sure to decorate it from a puddle of mud."

The wind elemental's smirk dropped into a pout, with his face frowning while narrowing his eyes towards his friend. "Tsundere-head..." He muttered.

"What was that!?"

"Err... N-Nothing!"

Unexpectedly, from a distance, they spotted two familiar figures walking ahead of them. Their eyes squinted more, staring at them which they soon recognised, it was one of their friends. Their two hoodie-lover friends, who were entitled as, 'The Psychologists'.

"Hey Blaze! Ais! Over here!" Taufan called, waving his hands towards their direction, hoping he would caught the said students' attention.

Luckily for the wind elemental, he noticed their two friends turned around at their direction, with one of them smiled widely while the other curved a small grin as soon as they saw them. Both of them made their way towards the cranky, electrical boy and the bubbly, windy boy.

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