✴️ 28 - Brotherhood ✴️

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After a few minutes of reflecting, the three transferees decided to look for each other, with the elementals who helped them, joined along as well. Coincidentally, both the fusions and the five elementals met each other at the hallway, with the triplets exchanging glances at each other. There was a moment of silence, hesitating to approach one of them.

Frostfire let out a soft sigh, thinking that as the older brother of the family, he should be the first one to offer his apology. Afterall, he knew that he'd just hurt his own brother, and he knew that he couldn't afford to lose another member from their family because of his unforgivable mistake. Therefore, he is here, to fix that mistake of his.

He slowly walked towards his youngest sibling, stopping infront of him and looked at him with his central heterochromia eyes that are filled with regret.

"... I'm sorry, Supra." He apologized, staring gloomily at his little brother.

Supra smiled sadly, walking towards his big brother and gave him a warm, bro hug. "I'm sorry too, big brother." He replied, chuckling slightly afterwards.

Frostfire was surprised with the sudden contact at first before chuckling, returning the hug as well and patted his back gently. Their second sibling on the other hand, smiled warmly at them as he made his way to their side, also joining in the hug.

Meanwhile with the five elementals, all of them glanced at each other, grinning as they gave a thumbs up. They then looked back at the fusions, smiling, while the others deeply sighed in relief. They're just glad that they're back together once again.

But unfortunately for someone, that contentment didn't last long the moment he stared at the trio for too long. The hug. The longing hug from someone he misses so much.

Luckily, the famed alchemist noticed his sudden change of mood. He hummed quietly, pursing his own lips as he gazed at his rival. Not long after, he saw someone familiar from a distance, his lips formed a grin afterwards. He then nudged his rivalry-friend's shoulder, getting the latter's attention—in which he did, and motioned his head on the far side of the hallway.

The popular badboy was confused at first, but as he looked at where his competitor was pointing at, he let out a soft gasp. His bloodshot eyes widened, with tears started forming from it. It was his friend, his brother, Taufan.

The wind user only stared at his best friend, his cerulean eyes looking so gloomy. He just stood a few meters away from his half-brother, not even moving an inch from his position. He was now a bit hesitant at this point, wondering if he could and should still trust his long-time close friend.

But with the lightning element, he doesn't want to waste any more time. In just a blink of an eye, Halilintar appeared infront of his half-brother, embracing him tightly without hesitation. He just doesn't want to lose his best friend ever again.

"Please forgive me, Taufan." The fearsome teen begged, gritting his teeth. "I know I can't keep my promise but I swear, I will never make the same mistake again. Never again. I just can't lose you, not right now. I need you." He gently said, emphasising his last three words as one of his ruby eyes shed a tear.

"Hali..." Taufan breathed, hugging back his friend firmly as well. "You won't lose me anymore. I'd already forgave you, because you're my best friend, my half-brother I cared for." He stated, slowly breaking the hug and smiled genuinely at his friend.

Halilintar bit his bottom lip, as he pulled his friend for another hug.

"Heh, what's this? Hali's the first one to engage for a hug~?" Taufan teased, giggling afterwards.

"Shut up, airhead." The electric elemental retorted, with his face blushing slightly in embarrassment while pouting madly.

"Oh? I think I got myself a blackmail for someone." Solar smirked, taking a picture of Halilintar's red face.

"That's just rude, Sollie..." Duri pouted as he appeared behind him, making his half-brother startled by his unexpected appearance.

"Duri?! When did you—" The well-known chemist got interrupted by his friend's sudden hug, squeezing him tightly while grinning adorably.

"Ah— can't... breathe... Duri—"

With the psychologist duo on the other hand, Blaze was attempting to give his childhood friend a hug when Ais suddenly spoke, with a blunt expression plastered on his face.

"Don't even think about it, chicken-head." The ice elemental remarked, causing Blaze to huff and pouted afterwards.

"Meanie." The fire manipulator said, his pout deepened.

Unexpectedly, some random students approached Glasier, with one of them pushing him harshly on the ground. The elementals, including the fusions, gasped from the cruel behaviour, as Glasier grunted and slowly sat up. Frostfire glared at his schoolmates, his eyes ignited in flames.

"What the heck did you do that for?!" Frostfire exclaimed, standing up infront of his own brother.

"Tch! That's what he get for ruining Stanford High!"

Then, an eerie and intense atmosphere surrounded the students, making the latter shivered slightly in fear. They all turned to their side, and saw Gempa giving them a death glare, which made them frightened even more. The earth elemental smiled at them, but behind that smile is a chilly, petrifying one that'll instantly make you think that you don't want to mess with that person.

"In the count of three, if you didn't disappear from my sight after the last second, then I'll welcome you guys for a detention." Gempa stated, his creepy smile still visible on his face.

Before Gempa would even start counting, the students immediately vanished out of nowhere, making the earth element snorted. He then turned to face Glasier, offering his hand to help him stand up. Glasier gladly accepted the offer, getting up from the ground afterwards.

"You know, I think you should take care of what's happening right now with our schoolmates." Gempa advised, earning a slight nod from his rivalry-friend.

"But..." Glasier uttered. "Will you be there to help me fix this problem?" He asked, wishing that his former student government secretary would actually help him.

Gempa chuckled lightly, smiling warmly at him. "I'm your secretary. Of course I will help you, Mr. President. Well, I 'was' your secretary."

"Then I'll put you back in that position."

"But, what about that student you replaced me with?"

"Then I'll make him be your assistant instead."

"Like an assistant secretary?"

"Well, somehow, like that." Glasier responded, making the two of them to chortle a bit.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bring Stanford High back to normal!"

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