✴️ 17 - Troubled Mind ✴️

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Attending his classes without his best friend was slightly hard for Solar, especially when there are times his rival would come up to him, meeting him face-to-face and throw some rude remarks at him. Sure enough, he still have his friends along his side, but the absence of someone who's so close to him, handling the situation all by himself became more difficult for him than ever. He wanted to end today's classes already, so he could go home and take care of his sick half-brother.

Yes, he can deal with this situation alone, but he admits, every insults that were given to him truly hurts him, and it had always reminded him of his unforgettable past, that's why his friend is always there to make him forget about it. Whenever he's about to lose his temper, his best buddy is always there, to stop him and calm him down before he could even try to confront his rival. Truthfully, this was never his first time to have this kind of problem, as he and his once rival, Halilintar always call each other names from the past, up until now.

Though he knew that their name callings are just to tease at each other, and it's all just a joke— so it really didn't hurt him when he's with his rivalry-friend, but with their new competitor they're dealing with, there's something different from the way he actually give his insults to them. Like, he really mean it.

Shrugging that thought off, Solar brought his attention to his friends who are talking instead, trying to dismiss everything his mind is speculating. It was currently their break time and they're taking this opportunity to rest and bring their energy back as today was pretty exhausting for them, since they had done so many schoolworks earlier.

"I'm tired..." The wind elemental remarked, huffing as he rested his chin on the table.

"Who isn't, airhead?" The popular badboy asked, raising a brow at his friend's direction before having a spoonful of his food.

"By the way, Solar," Taufan called, causing the light element to turn his head and face him. "Where's Duri?" He curiously asked, his cyan blue eyes wandering around to find the said boy.

"He's terribly ill today..." The famed alchemist replied, heaving a sad sigh afterwards.

"Oh," Taufan's shoulders dropped, his lips slightly pouting. "Well, tell him to get better soon, from me." He said, as he curved a genuine smile on his lips.

"Give him that same message from me as well, shiny lamp." Halilintar stated, his lips forming a small but sincere smile.

Solar playfully rolled his eyes at him, grinning. "Sure thing, Lightning Mcqueen." Solar responded, chuckling lightly afterwards.

"Speaking of which, what's taking those two so long?" The cerulean eyed teen wondered, pertaining to their psychological friends who weren't with them at the moment. His two friends only shrugged in response.

"Well, if I were you, I'd be more worried with our other friend who can't be with us for the whole school year..." Out of nowhere, Ais revealed himself, standing at the side of their table.

"You know, I just don't get it..." Unexpectedly, Blaze then appeared between Taufan and Halilintar, sitting down beside the both of them afterwards, with his arms and legs crossed while frowning. "They are totally ruining everything, and they're taking everything away from us! They're always getting in our way!" He ranted, scoffing as he earned a nod from his other friends.

"Blaze, calm." The ice elemental firmly stated, in which his childhood friend became silent after.

"Yeah, I'm with Blaze in this one." Solar butted in, both his hands were slowly turning into fists.

"Guys, let's tone it down..." Taufan intervened, stopping his friends for more further commotion. "Let's just... finish our food and talk some other stuffs..." He added, hearing a quiet sigh from the others and nodded at him, making him smile from their response.

<=> <=> <=>

Fully breathless, the light elemental was on his way home, feeling worn out with everything they'd done for today. He was glad since he wouldn't have to see Supra for the next hours to come, but unfortunately he would have to see him again tomorrow. Well, every school days likely.

However, he just erased that thought off. What matters more to him is his friend who suddenly became unwell, and even though he's completely tired from the most stressful place—for him— on Earth, he still has enough energy to go and take care of Duri, because he means a lot to him, and he is his family to protect, and keep an eye on.

Excited to finally see his close friend again, Solar walked in a fast pace, then soon, ran towards his house. Not long after, he made his way home, immediately taking off his shoes and rushed to his room to set down his things and changed his clothing. Afterwards, he went straight to his leaf elemental friend's room, gently opening the door of it and entered inside.

As soon as he saw him, he felt his heart dropped after seeing his condition. A wet, folded towel was placed ontop of his head, his face was looking pale and weak, and he had his covers wrapped around his body, with both of his arms rested above his abdomen. He was sleeping soundly, trying to rest himself up.

Solar slowly walked towards the side of Duri's bed, quietly sitting on the edge of his bed. He stared at his close friend dismally, letting out a long sigh afterwards. He then looked away, as he couldn't bear seeing his friend at this state and turned his gaze on the floor instead.

Few moments later, his best friend silently woke up from his nap, with the light manipulator completely oblivious to it. Duri blinked his emerald green eyes for a couple of times before turning his head to look at his half-brother beneath him. He smiled weakly when he finally saw his friend who's back from school.

"You know, you should take a rest, Solar..." Duri softly said, startling Solar a bit from his sudden voice.

"I'm fine, Duri." Solar reassured, smiling softly at him. "It should be you who must take a long rest though."

"I've rested long enough." The leaf elemental replied.

"Then, I'll just be here to take care of you."

Duri only shook his head from his statement. "Solar, stop worrying about me too much. I'll be alright, I promise. You should go and take a look on yourself, you look really weary. It's best for you to—"

"Duri, this is what I want. Let me look out for you." Solar insisted, making his friend sigh in defeat and just accepted his offer.

Not for long, Duri noticed his best friend muttering under his breath, guessing that his friend's not in his right state of mind. Worried, thinking that maybe it's because of whatever just happened while he's in school, he called him, and asked.

"Is he... annoying you.. again?"

"As usual, Duri..."

The sick teen hummed softly, sighing. "Everything's going to be okay, Solar." He genuinely stated, smiling faintly at him. "I believe it would be." He added, causing his friend to face him then curve out a small smile that made him have a little hope.

"Even at this condition you're in, you still know how to comfort me, buddy. Thank you."

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