✴️ 15 - Worn Out ✴️

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"I hate to admit it, but I don't feel like going to school today," The well-known alchemist stated, his hand gripping onto the strap of his bag while gritting his teeth in annoyance. "But I have to."

Another weekend had passed and then again, it's time for the students to go back to school. It's already like a routine for them, and it had always been. Every weekday, they would wake up early, get ready, eat breakfast and wave their hands to their parents, bidding their farewells to them.

Currently, Solar, along with his half-brother, Duri, were walking together towards to their destination: school. Supposedly, the light elemental's always eager to go to school just to do his best in his studies for his future— so he could help their family whenever he needed to, and to also have a perfect attendance, but lately, he really didn't care if he would be absent, due to the fact that their meddling rivals kept annoying them everywhere they go when they're in school.

The leaf manipulator huffed, smiling weakly afterwards. "Well, we need to, Solar." He said, letting out a tired sigh. "Don't worry, we only have for like... a couple more months left before we... graduate..." He added, as he panted heavily.

"Duri, are you okay?" The white capped boy asked, staring at his best friend worriedly.

The nature lover looked back at him with a forced smile. "Yeah, I'm alright." He replied, but Solar just wouldn't accept that answer.

He knew he was lying, considering the fact that just by looking at his friend's eyes, they seemed worn out, and the way he walks, it looked like he's exhausted and hadn't rested for a whole day. Concerned, he removed his silver-coloured gloves, gently putting a hand on his friend's forehead afterwards. When he did, his gray eyes under his orange tinted visor widened in shock.

"Duri! You're sick!" Solar exclaimed, making his half-brother avoid his gaze, afraid he might get angry at him. "Why didn't you tell me?! Why are you keeping this from me?! You know this is your health we're talking about!"

Duri couldn't help but lowered his head in shame, now regretting for hiding his illness from his closest friend. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled softly. "But I can go to school—"

"No, you are not. We're going back home." The famed alchemist interrupted, grabbing his half-brother's arm and got back to their house, and into Duri's room in a speed of light using his gifted powers.

As they went to the said elemental's room, Solar gently helped his friend lie down on the bed, then called their parents afterwards. Not for long, they heard footsteps from outside, with the door opening shortly after.

"What's wrong?" Their parents asked, before their eyes laid on Duri whose face looked so tired and pale. They gasped softly, before making their way towards their son to check up on him.

"I'm going to stay here..." The light elemental stated. "I don't care if I skipped school today. I want to make sure Duri is—" Before he could finish his sentence, he felt something soft wrapped around his arm and gently dragged him. It was Duri, using his leafy powers on him.

The green eyed teenager shook his head, seeming to disagree with his statement. "Don't, Solar." He responded. "Don't... waste your time on me. Instead, go to school, and... be with our friends. They... need you... more than I do." He added, giving his best friend a reassuring smile afterwards.

"I'll... be fine. Mom and Dad... are here to... take care... of me."

"He's right, my son." Their father said, gently placing a hand on Solar's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll just be here for him. Go back to school and do your best."

With having no choice, Solar sighed in defeat, glancing both at his parents, then at his friend. "Okay. Get well soon, Duri." He replied, smiling sadly at them before making his way back to school after.


Motivation, come baaaaaack—

Btw, thank you guys for the 500 followers! I hope I can give a big speech about this but, I think all I'm just gonna say is 'thank you' for who knows how many times. I'm just grateful to have yall, really, and I appreciate everyone's support. I'm just really speechless, ya know, but deep inside, I'm just really thankful. I love yall! QwQ/ ✨❤️💞💖💞💕

Also, their parents knew they have gifted powers and their abilities so they aren't surprised when they saw their children in Duri's room, even though they know that they've already taken their leave for school. UwU

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