✴️ 16 - Wallpaper ✴️

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"When will you ever change your lock screen?" Ais asked, raising a brow at his childhood friend. "What if someone happens to sneakily steal your phone and typed out your stupid password which is literally displayed on your wallpaper?"

"Okay, fine! Geez! Why are you acting so overprotective, you plushie-lover?" The fire elemental fumed, irritated by the fact that his friend is becoming more like a concerned parent, instead of a careless friend, in which he assumed he is.

"Your personal details are kept in your phone, idiot." The ice manipulator snapped, his teeth gritted in annoyance. "You'll get yourself into danger once they found out everything about you."

"Alright! Just give me back my phone!" Blaze exclaimed, trying to snatch back his beloved phone from his close friend, but the latter was pushing him back and moved his phone farther away from him, which made it more difficult for him to reach.

"I don't trust you using it, so I'll be the one who'll change that wallpaper of yours instead." The light-blue eyed teenager stated. "In short, I'll be keeping it with me for a while." He added, shoving his enraged friend's phone in his pocket.

"But it's my phone! I can do it myself!"

"But I'm your friend, who's more worried about your whole being, but you— yourself, isn't more mindful of the danger that lies ahead."

"You're.. just.. a friend!—"

"A friend who has a brain, unlike you."

"Grrr!— Ais! Just please give back my phone."

"Not until I finished changing your lock screen."

The crimson-eyed boy groaned, sighing in defeat afterwards. "Fine! You better return that back to me, with no scratches, broken screen, nor even a single dirt." He responded, huffing as he sulked on his seat.

Ais took a quick glance at his childhood friend, snorting. He merely shook his head and his sapphire eyes gazed towards the door of their classroom, pursing his lips. They've been waiting for their classes to start for a while now and checking by the time from their clock— located on the middle-top of their blackboard, they still have a few more minutes remaining.

"I hate PE class..." The calm elemental muttered. "It's not like I'm going to be an athlete or a coach in the future, plus, I barely exercise myself."

Soon after, their famous alchemical friend arrived, with beads of sweat trickling down his face while panting lightly. The psychology duos gave him a perplexed look, with Solar returning their confused stares with a 'give-me-a-minute' look. After some time, he finally caught up his breath, making his way towards his two friends afterwards.

Ais was about to open his mouth to question him some things, when Solar interrupted him from doing so, as he knew what they'll be asking him.

"I used my powers to come here because I'm going to be late, so here I am, completely drained out, and Duri's sick, so he couldn't attend today's class. Hopefully only today..." The light elemental explained, calming himself as he could still feel the rapid beating of his heart in his chest.

"Oh, but I still have one question, and it's, how come you can read minds now?" Blaze laughed cheekily, making his popular friend to raise a brow at him.

"Give me a break, you noddy matchstick."

<=> <=> <=>

Closing the tap water, the fire user damped his face on to his towel, drying it off. When he was done, he looked at himself through the mirror infront of him, staring at his own reflection. A tired look was plastered on his face, as he recalled the events that had happened earlier.

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