✴️ 22 - Fall Apart ✴️

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"No! No, no, no, no, no, no! NO WAY!" The fire elemental exclaimed. "Are you out of your mind, bro!? Have you forgotten how they'd been treating us all this time?!"

"Oh, come on!" Duri whined, pouting slightly. "I agree with Taufan though!"

"While I disagree..." The famed alchemist stated, his gray eyes narrowed into slits. "They are just... too much to deal with." He added, as he sighed in exasperation.

Halilintar nodded in agreement while his arms were folded on his chest. "Airhead, not everything you think can become positive in one way or another."

"I know that." The wind manipulator responded, a bit annoyed with his half-brother's statement. "But what about you and Solar? Both of you just became friends out of nowhere, without us even knowing how in the first place—"

"That's a different story."

"So what? You just want me to stop looking on the bright side?"

"That's not what I—"

"Then, fine. I'll stop believing that everything would be okay in the end."

"Okay guys, that's enough!" Gempa intervened, as he went to the middle between the bickering duos.

Seconds later, Taufan's cyan blue eyes started to tear up, his breath hitching at the same time. "I still remembered what you said that day. That very day, I'm breaking down infront of you."

'To be honest, I'm afraid too, you know... But thinking about it too much can make it more like it is possible to happen. Just let those negativities go, Tau. Focus on the bright side.'

"You were the one who told me to stop thinking negatively too much. You were the one who told me to remain positive, just focus on the bright side. But it seems that you want me to look on the dark side of the world instead. I guess... our friendship did fall apart afterall. What a friend you are, Halilintar." Taufan scoffed, before turning his back on the said teen and walked away, frowning with tears streaming down his face.

Worried, the nature elemental took a quick glance at his friends before catching up with Taufan to give him some company for a while. The popular badboy on the other hand, stared at the wind user in dismay, hesitating whether he should go after his friend or give him some time. He furiously shook his head and thought of going after him instead.

"Taufan!" Halilintar was about to run towards him when someone abruptly grabbed him by the arm, causing him to turn to look at the person who stopped him.

"Halilintar, let him be." Ais firmly said.

"He is my friend! My brother! I don't want to repeat what just happened between us last year!"

"If you really are his friend, or brother, you should know what he needs, and that's giving him some time, and space, alone." The psychological teen stated, slowly letting go of the boy's arm. "He's just not in the right state of mind, and so are you. Don't worry, he'll eventually forget about it."

Halilintar only groaned in annoyance before leaving his friends behind and went to the opposite direction, muttering inaudible things under his breath. He exited the library by the other door, walking through the hallway afterwards. Soon after, Solar went after him, thinking that he might need some company as well.

"Why are you here?" The famous electrical elemental grumpily asked, glaring at his rivalry-friend.

"Just thought you need a friend to listen to your rant." The well-known chemist replied, grinning with both of his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I'm a bad friend, so don't trust me anymore."

"Sure... Then how come I trusted you after hearing what you've been through?" Solar recalled, chuckling lightly afterwards. "Friends may fight sometimes, but they do know how to forgive and understand each other."

"Are you trying to imitate those psychological freaks now?"

"Maybe? But even though they haven't achieved their goal for being a psychologist yet, I'm pretty sure I've learned a lot from them already, even though they're not really... experts... yet."

Halilintar hummed. "I guess that's true..."

"Aww, you guys have no fangirls anymore? Too bad." Their rival out of nowhere, teased, smirking evilly. Irritated, both the legendary duos turned to face their competitor, giving him a death glare.

"Why do you even care, Sup-rat?!" Halilintar fumed, his teeth clenched indignantly.

"Nothing, just feeling pity that nobody cares about you two anymore..." Supra responded, grinning in a prideful manner. Both Halilintar and Solar only rolled their eyes from his statement.

"Heh, I hope that someone out there still notices you." The new student stated, sniggering at them afterwards.

"Tch! And I hope that someone out there is actually proud of what you've become." The lightning element retorted.

Hearing that response made Supra's eyes to widen from underneath his scarlet visor. A shock expression was completely written on his face. He was speechless, as he gave no comebacks for his rivals at all. Without another word, he suddenly left his rivals behind, leaving the latter confused.

"I think that was too much, Halilintar..." Solar commented, still puzzled about their rival's sudden action.

"Who cares? He deserves that kind of treatment anyway!" Halilintar snapped, as he continued walking his way to who-knows-where. His rivalry-friend only heaved a long sigh before following after him once again.

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