✴️ 1 - New Rivals ✴️

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"Who... in the world... is that?" Solar asked, staring at the new student in disbelief, with his brows knitted together.

"Why are you asking me, you chemistry freak?!" Halilintar grumbled, raising a brow at his rivalry-friend while crossing his arms on his chest.

"Is it wrong to ask a question, you sparky scalawag!?" The light elemental argued back, glaring at the amazing, scary Halilintar.

The electrical manipulator only rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Why don't you ask him instead of me, dweeb-face?" He questioned, sighing in vexation afterwards.

"Alright! Sheesh... calm down, you techy devil." The famed alchemist muttered, before walking towards the transferee student. Halilintar followed after behind him.

As they reached the certain person, Solar gained enough courage to ask their fresh-looking, fellow schoolmate.

"... Who are you...?" He simply asked, gazing at the stylish-looking transfered schoolfellow of theirs. The latter turned around to face them, as they fortunately got his attention from the giddy fangirls that were surrounding him.

'Oh. So these are probably, the two famous students of Stanford High, huh?' The new student thought, a smugly grin slowly formed on his lips.

That student then folded both of his arms on his chest, looking at the two rivals in a boastful way. "Heh, I'm someone who's more popular than you two." He stated, smirking afterwards.

The legendary duos only stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Can't you just say your name at least?" Halilintar snarled, his rubescent eyes narrowing towards the new student.

The transferee only scoffed from his response. "Fine then." He replied, as he chuckled slightly.

"I'm Supra." He introduced. "Got many medals and certificates from all of the subjects and got a scholarship for university—"

"We didn't ask what you achieved, buddy..." Solar interrupted the student named Supra, making the latter huffed from his statement.

"Well, I didn't ask you to despise me," Supra sneered, clicking his tongue while staring intensely at the light elemental. "Copycat."

"Excuse me!?"

"What? Your style looks similar to mine," Their new haughty rival stated. "And you," He then glanced at the famous badboy, scoffing once again. "Copying my cap's trademark."

"You little..."

Without warning, Supra turned his back from the two popular rivals, leaving them as he walked away while smirking. His fangirls— which were once belonged to the famous duo— followed him. Halilintar and Solar on the other hand, glared furiously at their new rival while their hands formed into fists.

"I'd rather call him Sup-'rat'." The lightning elemental said as he calmed his nerves down, making the famed alchemist to nod in agreement.


<=> <=> <=>

Meanwhile with the school's known student government president, Gempa, was making his way towards their respective student government office, with stacks of report papers in hand.

As he entered inside, he went to his own workplace to set down the papers on his table. But the moment he set foot in his mini office, he spotted a student who looked unfamiliar to him seated on his chair, with that student's legs crossed. Repeatedly saying, on his chair, in his office.

"Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing here?" Gempa politely asked, with the tone in his voice rather sounded annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The student apologized, grinning afterwards. "My name's Glasier," He introduced. "The new student government president of Stanford High." He added, giving Gempa a small smile.

The earth elemental's hazel-gold eyes stared at the new student— who later was introduced as Glasier— and consciously smashed down the stack of papers he was holding, looking disbelief.

"W-What!?" He exclaimed, then frowned. "You can't just take my position!" He stated, his teeth clenched tightly.

Glasier got up from the former student government president's chair, walking towards the latter and leaned closer to him. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said, a wide grin curved its way on his lips.

"But I just did."

<=> <=> <=>

"See you later, Blaze!" Taufan said, grinning as he waved his hand slightly at his varsity buddy before taking his leave.

"See ya!" Blaze bid his farewell to his friend as well, chuckling afterwards.

Unexpectedly, the fire elemental saw his childhood friend from a distance, making him smile widely before walking towards the said person.

"Oh, Ais!" He exclaimed. "Right on time, ya sloth!" He teasingly said, as he sniggered at his ice elemental friend.

Ais only rolled his eyes off him, taking a sip on his chocolate shake that he bought from the canteen.

All of the sudden, they heard someone crying not too far from where they currently are. They tried to find where the sound came from, which soon lead them to a boy, seated on the floor near the wall while sobbing and hugging both of his knees, his face buried onto it. That's when their idly-looking and playful faces suddenly turned into a serious one, and let their psychologist mode turn on.

"Let us help you kid!" Blaze said, as he and Ais made their way towards the boy, only to get bumped (or rather pushed away to the side) by someone from behind them.

"Excuse me, but let me help with his problems." It was a student, wearing a merged red and blue color sleeveless jacket, and he kinda looks new to them.

"You two, back off." The new student stated, emphasising the last two words he said before he went towards the student and kneeled down on the boy's level.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Ais asked, causing the new student to turn to look at both him and Blaze with an annoyed look.

"Frostfire. Now, scram."


Question: Team Fusions or Team 7 Elementals? XD

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