✴️ 12 - Important ✴️

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Humming softly, the earth element reached the office and entered inside. He made his way to his own, little room, with a label hanging on his door which says 'Secretary', going to his chair to sit comfortably afterwards. Somehow, he couldn't erase the smile that was plastered on his face, as he felt too happy and contented with what just happened earlier.

He sighed lightly and started doing his paperworks, taking them up one by one. The soft smile on his face remained, remembering that event over and over again while doing his job. He also seemed to be enjoying his work for the first time in this school year since, few months ago, his works given by the newly student government president were all but a huge burden for him, and felt like he was being forced to do something he wouldn't be pleased about it.

Not to mention, forcing himself to distance away from his friends who are now a family to him, made his past few months very difficult and depressing. He couldn't reached out to them, for at least to call for their help. He was terrified at the fact if Glasier seen him interacting with them, his last words for them will only be a goodbye.

But after making him realize something, with the help of his true friends, it made his confidence boost up once again. He felt stupid after hearing that he can actually be with them, only when they're outside, but strictly not when they're in school. Maybe he was just too frightened, so he couldn't really think straight.

Gempa got snapped out from his thoughts when he heard his door opened, revealing his rival he disliked in all his school life. He pursed his lips, his face transforming into a serious one as he sat up properly. He then looked up at his rival, his stare turning more like a glare.

"What do you need?" Gempa asked, his gaze went back down to the papers in hand. His body then trembled a bit, beads of sweat came trickling down at the side of his face after hearing Glasier's grievous response.

"I need for us to talk."

<=> <=> <=>

"So, how's Gempa doing?" The wind manipulator curiously asked, his head tilted slightly to the side while facing his best friend.

"He's doing fine," Halilintar replied. "He's glad to see us again." He added, making Taufan to smile on that statement.

"Why is he avoiding us though?" The leaf elemental questioned, his big, green eyes blinked twice cutely.

The well-known alchemist only hummed then shrugged. "Just some Glasier issues." He answered.

"Oh..." The two inquisitive boys said in sync while nodding both of their heads, understanding the problem their friends were trying to say.

"At least he's doing okay..." Duri stated, grinning adorably afterwards.

His light elemental friend let out a breathy laugh as he couldn't resist his half-brother's adorable face before patting him on the head. "Yeah, he is..." He responded, curving a small smile on his lips.

"Hey, Hali?~" The cyan-blue capped boy called.

The said person groaned as he glanced at his friend with an irritated look. "What?"

"Can I hug you—"

"No!" Halilintar immediately declined, glaring at him after. This only made the wind elemental to smirk.

"Come on, don't be silly!~"

"You're being silly, idiot!"

"Now, now, don't be shy, Hali!~"

"You shut the freak up or I'll smash your face off, you airhead!"

"Come on! Just one hug!"


"Why not?!"

"Because I said so!"

"They won't just stop, will they?" Solar sighed, with his friend only giggling beside him.

"Nope! They won't!" Duri cheerfully replied, as he smiled widely. "And, I kind of like their bond!" He added, making his friend to laugh slightly from both his response and the scene taking place infront of them.

All of the sudden, the fearsome badboy and the famed alchemist's rival came, making the whole atmosphere became quiet. The legendary duos were secretly glaring at the newcomer, with their two friends only stared at him in silence.

For the first time, Supra didn't give them any insolent remarks. Instead, he'd only went straight to his respective chair, taking his seat as he plopped his bag infront of him. Unusually, his before smugly-looking face just now turned into an annoyed and serious one, with his arms folded together on his chest.

This unexpected action led the four to look at each other with a questioning look.

<=> <=> <=>

"Talk about what?" Gempa asked, as he tried to sound and look completely composed.

"About that incident from the restroom earlier." Glasier replied, his lips formed a taunting grin when he noticed Gempa's hazel-golden eyes slowly widened.

The new student chuckled lightly, shaking his head afterwards. "Your friends should've checked the cubicles," He stated, grinning evilly. "And also, I heard that some of your friends decided to delete that few-minute footage from the CCTV camera located near the restroom just so I wouldn't see one of your friends dragging you there, and you know that's against the school rules." He added, a soft gasp was heard from the earth elemental's lips.

"Heh, I guess not only I'll punish you, but also your precious fr—"

Suddenly, something vibrated from one of Glasier's pockets, causing him to pause from his mid-sentence. He let out a frustrated groan as he took the object out his pocket which revealed his phone, with someone calling from it. He immediately answered the call, putting his phone near his ear afterwards.

"What do you want?"

"Rap's at it again—"

"Hey! I didn't—"

Glasier sighed deeply. "I'll be there in a minute." He said, before ending the call and stared back at Gempa.

"We'll talk about this matter later." He firmly stated, before exiting his way out the student government secretary's room, leaving the latter furrowed his brows in confusion.

Gempa then later on, hummed in thought.

'I wonder if that call is more important to him than giving me that punishment already...'

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