✴️ 6 - Suspicious ✴️

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Meanwhile with the remaining elementals'— Blaze, Ais and Duri, they have the same classes together, with the three of them attending their English class at this moment.

Lucky for them, they managed to spare some few minutes before their next classes start, so their teacher decided to let them have a free time instead since it's still their first day of classes. She doesn't like her students to feel pressured already.

This made the students' lips to curve a wide smile on their faces, feeling excited and relieved at the same time because not only they get to spend their time freely but also, they never imagined that their Literature teacher for this school year would actually be a nice person too.

Surely every one in the class were starting to talk with one another happily, but one of them in particular, feels currently uncomfortable.

"Why the heck is that brat staring at me like that?" Blaze whispered to his childhood friend while glancing at their rival who was seated few chairs away from them.

Indeed, their rival, Frostfire, has been staring directly at Blaze ever since their English period started. One of his arms were resting ontop of his desk while the other one was supporting his head, in which his chin was resting ontop of his fist. He in fact, hadn't changed nor moved— not even a little bit— from that position for the past couple of minutes already.

Ais raised a brow at him, confused before turning his head to where his fire elemental friend's looking at. His light-blue eyes blinked twice as he gazed at their classmate who's their competitor at the same time. "I have no idea..."

"What's wrong?" Duri asked, glancing back and forth at his psychological friends, puzzled by what's going on.

"It's Froze Tires." The crimson-eyed boy replied, frowning. "He's staring right at me like he wants to murder me in my sleep." He said, as he glanced back at Frostfire with a scornful look plastered on his face.

The leaf elemental tilted his head slightly in confusion before looking at Frostfire, his lips forming an 'o' shape and slowly nodded in realization.

Feeling annoyed from their new rival's gaze, Blaze intensely glared at him, his hands clenched tightly into fists. "Why are you giving me that freaking death stare, you creepy moron?!" He snapped, his teeth gritted angrily as he glared at his rival.

Unexpectedly, he received no response from Frostfire. Blaze was a bit surprised by this, but he was still very upset with him.

"Oi!" The fire elemental called him, his flaming eyes filled with rage. "I'm talking to you, idiot!"

Like earlier, he received no response again.

"This knucklehead is getting into my nerves!" Blaze grumbled, rolling his eyes afterwards.

That's when, they heard something. Something they'd never expected to hear from the new student. Something that made them look at him in disbelief.

He was snoring.

That only means, he's actually sleeping. Sleeping, with his eyes open.

"Hey Frostfire, wake up." Someone told him, as that student shook him gently to wake up from his sleep. Apparently, the trio didn't realized that they'll be classmates with that student as well. That student, who is actually their new student government president, namely Glasier.

Frostfire blinked his drowsy eyes for a few times before looking up at the said student. "What time is it, Glasier?" He asked, letting out a long yawn afterwards.

"Time for you to rise up from your beauty sleep because it's almost time."

Frostfire groaned. "How many more subjects before dismissal time?"

"Don't be lazy and look at your schedule." Glasier responded, before going back to his chair and sat on it.

On the other hand, Duri only stared at the scene, still looking perplexed. As for Blaze, he got dumbfounded with what just took place. Whilst for Ais, he was quietly observing the two, making a little theory in his mind while secretly watching them from a distance.

'Hmm... They know each other, huh...?' He thought, his sky-blue eyes narrowing at them like he just found them a bit suspicious.

'How come they already knew each other even though they're actually new students in the first place...?'

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