✴️ 9 - Dance Battle ✴️

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Blaze huffed, his arms crossed together while glaring at their competitor. "Taufan, Duri, on my side." He commanded, earning a nod from his friends as they immediately went beside him, their arms folded on their chest while frowning at Frostfire as well.

"Let's show this Fork Rice how it's done."

As the background music started, the three elemental teenagers begun dancing as well, showing off their cool moves.

I got this feeling inside my bones
It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on
All through my city, all through my home
We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone

Now, the trio dance walked towards their varsity rival, their feet moving in sync. When they got near him, they started breakdancing infront of him, feeling the rhythm of the music.

I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops

"Ooh!~" The three boys sang at the same time.

I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock, the way we rock it, so don't stop

The fire elemental then grinned at Frostfire, as he made some sick moves. The wind and leaf elemental on the other hand, did an amazing flip on the background, with both of them doing it in synchronize.

And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well, you already know
So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine

Frostfire watched them, slightly impressed with their dance moves. But then, he smirked, and it was now his turn to make his rivals' jaw drop. The first thing he did, was showing them some complicated dance moves, with half of his body glowing in blazing red and on the other side in frosty ice.

Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
A feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

As Frostfire showed his dance skills to them, he faced the widened-eyed trio, with a taunting look and an evilly-looking grin. But Blaze wouldn't give up just yet, same goes to his friends by his side. He gritted his teeth in annoyance, with his fists clenched tightly as flames started emitting from it.

I can't stop the feeling

"Oh, it's on." Blaze scoffed, cracking his knuckles as he stared menacingly at his rival.

So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling

And that's when, the dance battle between them, commenced.

So just dance, dance, dance (Come on)

<~> <~> <~>

"Have you guys seen Blaze anywhere?" The ice manipulator asked, making his friends shook their heads in response.

"I can't find Duri either..." The famed alchemist stated, with a worried tone in his voice.

"That freaking airhead is missing too." The fearsome badboy butted in, his brows furrowed with his lips pursed.

"Strange... Where are they at this point?" Gempa mumbled, as his hazel-golden eyes wandered around the canteen, searching for the said trio.

"I think we should go and look for them." Solar suggested, adjusting his orange tinted visor and stood up from his chair. "You know them, being a troublemaker they are..." He added.

"I agree with Solar." Ais said, standing up from his seat as well. "Let's hurry up before the bell rings."

<~> <~> <~>

"I'm so going to get that airhead if he really got into some trouble..." Halilintar stated, gritting his teeth tightly.

"Oh, what's this?~ I sensed a concerned Pikachu." The well-known light elemental teased, grinning at the lightning element afterwards.

The latter growled, glaring menacingly at him. "Shut up, you dweeb-face!"

"Hey, shh!" Gempa scolded, before stopping on his spot. "Do you hear that?"

The famous rivals looked at their friend in confusion. "Hear what?" They asked at the same time.

The four teenagers then paused, trying to listen to the sound the earth element just mentioned earlier. Suddenly, a faint music can be heard echoing throughout the hallway, which made them exchanged confused glances at each other. As their heads tilted to look at where the noise was coming from, they found out it was actually in the gymnasium.

Without hesitation, they immediately went towards the said place, curious about what's been going on inside it. To their surprise, they saw their missing friends, dancing with someone they'd never expect to see; Frostfire. But from the looks of it, they realized they were actually having a dance battle against each other.

They also noticed the crowd of students cheering and staring at their performance in awe. Some where on the trio's side, while the rest were on Frostfire's side. Since the trio are their closest friends, of course they'll go and give all their support to them. They'd also went in the crowd, cheering on them to beat their rival as well.

Fortunately, Taufan, Blaze and Duri saw them, making them smiled widely as it lifted their spirits up. They glanced at each other, feeling determined to win against their competitor. As the music reached the chorus part, green, blue and red lights flashed onto them, taking the spotlight on. Same goes to Frostfire which red— with combination of blue— lights shined at him.

Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
A feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing

"I can't stop the feeling!" The trio sang, making their fans screamed in giddiness.

So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance

"Come on!" Blaze shouted, winking at the audience at the same time which caused some girls to faint because of his attractiveness.

I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So keep dancing

(Come on)

When the music ended, the trio's last pose was their arms folded together on their chest, as they stood at each other back to back, with Blaze smirking, Taufan smiling brightly and Duri grinning adorably. Frostfire's pose on the other hand, was holding the bill of his cap while he faced the crowd in sideways. As the two competitors finished their groove fight against each other, the crowd of their schoolmates' cheer for them roared around the gymnasium.

"Marvellous, marvelous!" A middle-aged woman applaud, as she went up to the stage to meet the dance participants. "You students did an amazing performance! I am truly impressed with your talents!" She commented, making the four dancers to smile at the lady.

"But, I'm more impressed with that boy!" The woman glanced at Frostfire, her eyes sparkling in delight. "I bet you should be the choreographer of the dance varsity!" What the lady said made the trio's jaws to drop.

"Okay, we're out on this one—" Blaze got cut off by the woman.

"No, you aren't. You've already joined the varsity so you must stay whether you like it or not." She firmly stated, making the fire element to look at her in disbelief. His friends didn't like what the woman said as well as they all frowned at her.


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