✴️ 23 - Believe ✴️

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The moment Taufan and Duri left the scene, same goes to Halilintar and Solar, the remaining three teenagers only stood rooted on the ground, still surprised with their friends' unexpected argument. Earlier during their quarrel with each other, a perfervid atmosphere surrounded them, but now, it was replaced by rather a quiet and akward one. Though they felt bad since they didn't do much to stop them for having a war of words, so here they were, letting one of their friends' friendship disintegrate.

"Well, that was... akward...?" Blaze commented, as he forced a fiddly smile while chuckling nervously. "Do you think they'll be okay though?" He whispered, elbowing his childhood friend beside him.

"I think they'll be fine." Ais replied, curving a small smile on his lips. "I'm sure they'll forgive each other soon, or if possible, later." He then glanced both at his close friend, then at Gempa. "I'll just be buying a chocolate shake from the canteen. How about you two?"

"Ooh!~ Chocolate shake?! Count me in!" The fire elemental exclaimed, his crimson eyes sparkling in excitement.


"I'll pass. I need to get something from my locker. Catch up with you guys later?" The former student government secretary responded, earning a nod from the other two. "Alright, see ya!" He smiled, slightly waving his hand at them before going to the place mentioned.

"Later, Gem."

<=> <=> <=>

Heaving a heavy sigh, the wind elemental's gaze was fixed on the window, watching the clouds move slowly from the bright blue sky as he felt the breezy air ran through his brunette hair. His cap was placed on his desk, with both his arms resting on it as well while supporting his head using his palms as he looked out to the nature outside in peace. He's currently staying in a classroom, with Duri accompanying him beside him.

The leaf manipulator hummed softly, taking a swift glance at his varsity buddy before turning his head forward once again. "He'll forgive you, Taufan..."

"Ah, don't give me hope, Duri." The teen mentioned quickly denied, shaking his head afterwards. "I'm just... done with him."

Duri merely formed a small grin on his lips. "You know, you should be thankful and glad since, your friend didn't come with price tags as you could never afford that friend you've got." He stated, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, I was lucky. 'Was'. But now, I think having him as a friend is a misfortune instead."

"Hm, I used to think like that before too, back when our friendship between our friends crumbled down. But thanks to Ais, he made me realize that, having Solar as my best friend for all these years is the rarest thing anyone can ever have. I looked back to our memories together, to everything we've been through, and that's when I thought, I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world. You should feel that way too, Fan."

"Well, now it's hard to feel that way. It's just... hard."

"Though, your friend does have a point. Some things never really meant to be in a way you wanted them to be."

"Yeah, like our 'friendship', and I thought you agreed with me?"

The nature element smiled genuinely. "I did. But after thinking about it for a while, everything seems to make sense."

Taufan only let out another long, sad sigh.

"But you're a believer, Taufan." Duri calmly said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "You believe in almost everything. You're really an optimistic person, and I don't want you to stop being like that. I just admire your positivism a lot, and that's what I like about you."

Moments later, Taufan slowly faced Duri, his cerulean eyes filled with hope and astonishment.

"Just like from a song, that we shouldn't stop believing, right?" The nature elemental smiled once more, before putting his cap on his head. "Believe that something wonderful is about to happen one day."

Taufan chuckled along, finally curving a sad yet, sincere smile and nodded. "Thanks, Duri. I won't stop believing."

"Do you believe that having Halilintar as your friend makes you the luckiest person ever?" Duri asked, grinning.

"Yeah. I believe that having him as my friend— no, as my brother, makes me the luckiest person ever."

<=> <=> <=>

"Aaah~" Blaze indulged, before burping loudly. He then threw his drink in the trash bin, shoving his hands inside his pockets afterwards.

"Ugh!" Ais frowned, looking at his childhood friend in disgust. "'Excuse me'?" He simply reminded him, making the latter laughed nervously and made a peace sign at him.

"Geez, when will you learn how not to burp out loud in public? Act like a well-mannered student, not a smugly gangster who makes graffiti on walls."

"Alright, alright! I get you one time!"

"One time?! I've been reminding you for almost everyday!"

"Stop pointing at me, idiot!"

"Make me, you dumb-head!"

Both Blaze and Ais paused for a moment from talking, as they exchanged confused glances at each other after hearing a fight coming from one of their schoolmates. Curious, they took a quick peek from the direction where the quarrel is happening. And what they saw, made their eyes widened in surprise.

"What the..."

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