✴️ 2 - Mood ✴️

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"You look quite... troubled... today." The wind elemental remarked, staring at his best friend in worry. "Did something happened?"

Halilintar and Taufan were currently inside their classroom, waiting for their first class to start. For the fearsome badboy's luck, he and his close friend have the same classes together, and almost have the same schedules with each other as well. He felt relieved after knowing that he'll get to see his friend anytime, but still, he doesn't like to admit it at all, especially to his friend (because he thinks that it'll ruin his reputation).

"None of your business." The ruby red-eyed elemental grumbled, looking away from his best friend in annoyance.

Taufan stared at him, frowning. Then, a smirk curved its way on his lips. "Want a hug?" He asked, glancing at his lightning elemental friend to the side.

"Not! In the mood now, Taufan!" Halilintar growled, giving his friend a menacing glare.

"Ah, come on, Hali!~ I know you want it!~"

"Shut your gosh dang mouth, and stop calling me with that stupid pet name!"

"Alright!~ Choose then! Hug or 'Hali'~?"


"Okay then! I'll share to everyone your cute, little nickname I gave you!~"

Halilintar sighed in annoyance, still glaring at his friend. "Fine!" He exclaimed, crossing both of his arms on his chest as he looked away, blushing slightly.

"Aye! Let your inner rage cool down by the power of hug!~" Taufan stated, as he tackled his tsundere friend into a warm, stress-relieving hug. The latter only muttered silently under his breath while he let his friend hug him.

Truthfully, his wind elemental friend's hug helped him forget what took place earlier, letting himself cool down for a moment. After all, it's their first day of school, and their last high school years here in Stanford High. He didn't want to start the day with an apoplectic attitude.

"Okay, now, unhand me, airhead." The popular electric boy said, pursing his lips as he glared at his friend.

Without hesitation, Taufan broke the hug, then curved a wide smile to his best friend. "So, did all your stress disappeared?" He asked, his cyan blue eyes smiling as well.

Halilintar only hummed, still avoiding eye contact with his friend. "Yeah, yeah. Now, go with Duri. Leave me alone." He stated, glancing at the said person who was busy talking with Solar few seats away from them, then back at his best friend with a poker face.

"You sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

"Ye—" The lightning elemental got cut off by some girls screaming with excitement while gathering around the newcomer. The latter only grinned at his fangirls, making some of them faint and squealed loudly that almost made the edgy boy's ears deafened. Right now, he have a bad feeling that that someone's none other than...




'As I thought.' Halilintar bit his lower lip, unsure of what to do anymore.

"On a second thought, please stay."

<=> <=> <=>

"Solar..." The leaf elemental whined, pouting while shaking his best friend's arm lightly. "Pwease tell me what's going on..." He said, looking at his light elemental friend in concern.

"Duri, I'm okay, really." Solar reassured, smiling warmly at his brotherly friend and gently patted his head.

Duri sighed in defeat. "Okay..." He replied, pursing his lips. "I just feel like there's something bothering you." He added, placing his chin down on his friend's desk and pouted sadly, looking up at him with his puppy eyes filled with worry.

"Even if there is something bothering me, I can handle it on my own, Duri. You don't need to get yourself involved." The famed alchemist stated, chuckling slightly while patting his friend's head once more.

"But I won't let you handle it all alone." The green-eyed boy said, his face slightly frowning. "I'm here for you, 'kay?"

Solar only heaved a deep sigh. "Alright, my brother." He responded, giving his friend a soft smile. "Be there for me when I need you the most, okay?"

Duri's eyes lit up from his response, his lips curving into an adorable grin. "Okie!" He cheerfully replied, giggling afterwards.

Their conversation got interrupted by someone entering the classroom, and at the same time, with their classmates— that are mostly girls, shrieking, with the two clueless boys having no idea why the girls just got so hyped up over something they don't know, which is so sudden.

That's when Solar looked closely to what's happening, and his gray eyes caught someone very familiar to him, in which that person made him groaned in annoyance as soon as he saw him.

"Not him again..." He muttered, his teeth gritted angrily while slowly clenching his hands into fists.

"Oh! Lookie who we have here~" Supra cooed, smirking while glancing both at Solar then at Halilintar who's a few meters away from him. "If it's not who they call, 'The Popular Duos of Stanford High'." He stated, with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Just leave us alone, will you?" Solar growled, glaring at their new rival who unfortunately, will be there classmate for their first subject. His response only made the new student's grin curved wider as he looked at the two famous students.

"Wow, how you two have come this far.
And Solar,
Became popular."

"But I don't think you'll last long,
And what I'm 'bout to say ain't gonna be wrong,
'Cause sooner or later, your crown will be mine,
And one day, it'll be my time to shine~"

Supra poetically sang, smirking once more before choosing for a chair to sat on. His fangirls on the other hand, followed him afterwards with googly hearts plastered on their eyes.

The fearsome badboy scoffed at him, standing up from his seat and went towards to where Duri and Solar are while holding Taufan's arm to drag him with him. As soon as he reached the said students, he took a seat beside his rival, with his best friend sitting on the other side of him. The leaf and light elemental on the other hand, only blinked twice from his unusual action.

"He's annoying." Halilintar commented, rolling his eyes before crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yeah, I can see that." Solar replied, agreeing with his rivalry friend.

Meanwhile, Taufan and Duri exchanged glances at each other with their eyes blinking in confusion. Few seconds later, they smiled widely as they did a high-five with each other.

"Yay! We're seatmates!"

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