✴️ 5 - Better ✴️

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Unexpectedly, Taufan and Solar have the same classes together, but they weren't bothered by it. They were currently waiting for their next subject to start, which is one of Solar's favourite subjects: Science.

Like Halilintar and Gempa, the wind and light elemental were relieved to have someone they know by their side, and to have at least someone to talk to whenever they're bored. Coincidentally, that's what they're going to do right now.

"So..." The famed alchemist started. "I know we barely talk and, you and Halilintar seemed to be close with one another but, I honestly want to know more about you." He stated, curving a small smile as he looked at his friend.

"Okay!" The navy-blue eyed boy cheerfully replied, smiling widely back at him. "What do you want to know about me?"

"Just start with the basic ones."

"Alright." Taufan cleared his throat and started introducing himself more. "I guess we can skip with my name so let's start with: I have a gifted power which is a wind element. I love the color blue— specifically, navy blue. I'm Hali's close friend and brother at the same time—"

"Wait, you two are brothers?!" Solar exclaimed, interrupting him as his gray eyes widened in surprise.

"Umm, yeah..." The wind elemental answered, his head slightly nodding. "My parents and I let him become a part of our family since, his own family wasn't treating him right back then. So, I also happened to be his half-brother too!" He added, grinning afterwards.

"Okay, first of all, I only knew about Halilintar's background story, but I never knew you two are brothers." The well-known light elemental professed, his brows knitted while looking at the cheerful boy in disbelief.

"Well, now you know!" Taufan responded, shrugging as he smiled.

"Heh, well... if it's not the copycat again." One of their classmates said, which made the wind elemental's smile dropped whilst the famous smart boy gritted his teeth, annoyed because that familiar student just interrupted their peaceful conversation.

Solar turned his head towards the owner of the voice, an irk mark was plastered on his face. "I have a name, you know!" He barked, glaring at their classmate who's none other than Supra.

"I know, " The latter replied, smirking. "But copycat suits you better." He added, as he snorted. "Or... a sorehead phony."

The light elemental alchemist had enough as he furiously got up from his seat, his chair screeching as it got dragged backwards. He was about to confront his pesky rival but a pair of arms was restraining him from doing it. Taufan was holding him back, trying to stop a commotion between the bickering rivals.

"Solar, don't." The wind elemental said, biting his lower lip while glancing back and forth at the duo anxiously. "It's not worth it."

Solar muttered cursed words under his breath before calming himself down, with Taufan slowly removing his grip from him as soon as he noticed he was finally at ease.

"You're lucky my friend stopped me," He grumbled, his silvery eyes glaring menacingly at Supra. "Leave me and my friend alone, you nosy buffoon, or else, I'll blast your face off."

Not for long, their Science teacher entered their classroom, making the duo's argument to come to a halt.

"And you're lucky 'cause our teacher is here." The new popular student responded, huffing as he turned his back on Solar and grinned. "We're not yet done, you prickly doppelganger." He added, then went to search for a chair to sit on.

Solar on the other hand, rolled his eyes in irritation as he scoffed at him, muttering something afterwards.

"Oh, it's totally not over, shameless scamp."

<=> <=> <=>

"Okay, I want Solar and Supra to please come on the board and answer these given equations." Their Science teacher instructed, as she pointed at the certain physics problems written on the board. She then looked at the said students, curving a small smile at them.

Without hesitation, the pupils mentioned proudly stood up from their seats, going towards the board afterwards. They picked one chalk each from the chalk holder, then started scribbling and solving the problem on the board.

As they tried to answer on the board, the two of them seemed to be competing with one another— even though they just have to solve some mathematical equations on the board, but one of them looked at it as a contest.

"Heh, I bet I can solve this problem easily, and swiftly. 'Cause, I'm the best, and I'm the greatest student here when it comes to sci—" Solar vauntingly stated, but he got cut off by someone snickering at him.

"You were saying?"

Meanwhile with Supra— while Solar was busy talking nonsense— he was already done solving the problem on the board, which made the considerably boastful alchemist's gray eyes to widen in surprise.

The new student only snorted from his reaction before making his way back to his respective seat. But before that, he stopped beside the light element and whispered something to his ears.

"Oh, and by the way... Learn how to keep your egoistic mouth shut."

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