✴️ 10 - Worst Day Ever ✴️

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"Hey!" Gempa yelled, as he went through the crowd. "You can't just force them to do what you wanted..." He stated, frowning then glanced at the trio with a concerned look.

"Silence!" The woman exclaimed, causing all the students in the gymnasium to become quiet. "It's final! Those three will stay in the dance varsity. I don't care if they don't want to, but they have to." The woman sternly replied, giving the earth element a menacing look before walking away, leaving the latter behind, speechless.

"So long, losers~" Frostfire spat, smirking before making his way down the stage without another word.

"Wrong move, Mr. Secretary." The newly student government president said, shaking his head in disappointment afterwards as he walked towards him. "And with that, you'll receive a punishment later on."

"And what is that?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Glasier responded, grinning before taking a swift glance at his friends and left the gymnasium, with both of his hands clasped from his back.

Not for long, their schoolmates started exiting the gymnasium as well, low whispers and murmurs could be heard as they went out from the said venue.

"Gempa," Taufan softly called, as he looked at their earth elemental friend worriedly. "You know, what you did can ruin your reputation for being the school's student government secretary..."

"I'm fully aware of that," Gempa calmly said, his head turning to the wind element and gave him a warm smile. "But, I can't let my dearest friends who mean so much to me, go through that alone. I just couldn't bear it, and I feel like she's being too forceful and unfair to you guys, so I have to do what's right; to stand up for the three of you." He added, chuckling slightly.

"But I failed to defend you in the end..." He muttered, as he heaved a deep sigh afterwards.

"But at least," Duri approached their disheartened friend, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "You tried, Gempa, and we couldn't be more thankful for you to do that for us." He genuinely stated, smiling sadly before giving Gempa a warm hug.

The earth elemental chuckled softly from the leaf manipulator's cute actions, gladly returning the hug from him. "I'm sorry guys. I tried, I really tried."

Without hesitation, the wind and fire elemental joined the hug as well, embracing Gempa as a way of being grateful for having a friend like him. "HUG ATTACK!" They exclaimed, before crashing their earth elemental friend into a tight, bear hug.

Meanwhile, Halilintar curved a small, proud smile while both of his arms were folded on his chest. However, with the remaining two, their eyes were gazing on to someone else. The famed alchemist was quite surprised with what he just witnessed, as well as the ice elemental whom later on whispered something to him.

"You noticed it too?" Ais asked, earning a slight nod from Solar afterwards.

"Yeah... I did..."

<=> <=> <=>

"Please end my life, please end my life. please end my life..." Blaze repeatedly said, as he continously banged his head on their table, with Ais— being a good friend he is— created a medium-sized water bubble and placed it infront of his friend so he could hit his head on the soft liquid instead.

"Blaze, please. Just stop that." The ice elemental pleaded, in which he still got ignored by his childhood friend in the end as he kept banging his head.

Luckily for them, they still got a few more minutes before the start of their next classes. But unfortunately for them, they have to deal with their dance varsity friends who keeps on doing ridiculous things since they still hadn't moved on yet from earlier.

"Ais, aren't you afraid you might get caught using your powers here in school...?" Gempa asked worriedly.

"What do you want me to do if this flame-head keeps on hurting himself?" The light-blue eyed boy retorted, sighing heavily while staring at his close friend in annoyance.

"Hali! What do I do now?!" Taufan sobbed dramatically, as he punched his best friend's shoulder over and over again.

"Taufan! Stop hitting me!" The fearsome badboy grunted, gripping his friend's arm as he tried to refrain him from hitting him again.

Duri on the other hand, was staring blankly on the floor, with his body hadn't moved an inch while seated on his chair and just stayed in that position for a few minutes already. Solar didn't know what to do to calm him down so he'd only patted his friend's back gently.

"Hey, it's alright. You can get through this, okay?" The light elemental softly said to his half-brother, making the latter's lips to quiver as he remembered what just happened again.

Gempa let out a tired sigh as he watched some of his friends freaking out after the event took place. "I'll just be going to the restroom." He said, with one of his friends responding back with an 'okay' before heading towards the washroom alone afterwards.

As he reached the place mentioned, he immediately went to the washing area, cleansing both his hands and face. When he was finished, he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his face then his two hands. Suddenly, to his surprise, he saw his rival standing beside him, with his arms crossed from the mirror, startling him from his abrupt appearance.

"I haven't told you your punishment yet, have I?" Glasier asked, smirking after.

The punishment said by the newly student government president, made Gempa's hazel-golden eyes to widen both in shock and disbelief.

"You're not allowed to stay nor be with your friends for the rest of the school year."

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