✴️ 13 - Unbelievable Events ✴️

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"Alright, students. I'll give you enough time to talk with your pairs about your first activity for tomorrow." Their Electrical teacher stated, earning a nod in response from her pupils. "Okay, you may go and chat with your assigned partners now."

With that cue, the students immediately searched for their pairs, sitting right next to them afterwards, except for the legendary duos who were already seated beside each other.

"I'd rather talk about the incident earlier..." Halilintar muttered, his face forming a deep frown while placing his chin on his palm, with his elbow resting on top of his desk.

"Same," His long-time rivalry-friend butted in, letting out a heavy sigh. "This subject is just an easy A anyway so..." He paused, before turning his head to look at the lightning element with his lips pursed.

"It's better if we discuss about this with the others, including Gempa." The popular badboy suggested, as he hummed in thought. "I'm thinking... after school?" He asked, glancing at his rival to his side.

Solar nodded in agreement. "Right. It's another weekend tomorrow so, I guess all of us are available." He replied, curving a small grin afterwards.

Seconds later, the light elemental's face puckered, with his brows knitted both puzzled and in incredulity. "Seemingly, I kind of noticed that our rival's acting a bit... odd... today..." He whispered, taking a quick peek at Supra- whose gaze is out of the window, before facing his rivalry-friend once again.

"You're not the only one..." Halilintar responded. "Let's don't mind him for now. He probably already learned his lesson not to interfere with our own businesses." He added, fishing his phone out and texted their friends for their hang out the next day.

Little did the two famous rivals know, Supra was actually staring at them secretly from time to time, his cerise colored eyes under his scarlet visor were looking dull as ever.

<=> <=> <=>

The day had passed and it's another weekend for the students of Stanford High to take a day off, get some rest or spend their time to bond with their love ones. The group of elementals took this initiative to have some quality time together since it's been weeks since they last hang out with each other outside. Currently, they're hanging out at the park, with all of them gathered around in circle.

"Gempa! Finally, you're here!" Duri exclaimed, tackling the said boy into a warm hug while smiling brightly. "I miss you so much!"

Gempa could only smile heartily at their leaf manipulator's sweet gesture, gladly returning the hug afterwards. "I miss you too, Duri." He softly replied, gently patting his head which made the latter to grin at him adorably.

"It's nice to have you back, Gempa!" Taufan cheerfully said, making the earth element to chuckle slightly and smiled once more.

"Yeah! We thought the reason why you're avoiding us is because you hate us!" Blaze whined, with Gempa shaking his head in response while smiling sadly.

"No, Blaze. That's not the reason why, and I'll just cut it straight to the point." The student government secretary spoke. "Glasier's been forbidding me to be with you guys, and that he'll kick me out of the school once I violated that one punishment he gave me." He stated, heaving a short sigh afterwards.

"Okay, now that's just too far." The wind user commented, as Duri only looked at their earth elemental friend worriedly.

"Though he actually caught you guys trying to meet up with me-"


"But!" Gempa quickly intervened. "I think he might have forgotten about it since he went to do something more important, and he hadn't approached me ever since that call..." He trailed off as he recalled that exact event. "Strange, he did kind of forgot the punishment he gave me..." He muttered.

"Speaking of strange," Halilintar uttered. "Sup-rat's been quiet ever since yesterday." He stated, a perplexed look was visible on his face.

"Yeah, he didn't gave us insults or whatsoever." Solar butted in, agreeing with his long-time rival. "He's just completely silent the whole time."

"I think that's better than starting another argument, right...?" Duri remarked, his lips pouted slightly.

"Well, not to brag but, those aren't the only one..." Ais intercede. "I, too, found something rather... unexpected?" He said, kind of unsure of his answer.

His friends' gaze were now focused on the ice elemental, getting all their attention for just a few moments.

"While we're having our break, my eyes would always wander around, observing everything that's been going on, when I spotted and took noticed of Glasier a few tables away from us." The light-blue eyed teenager recounted. "And guess what? He's eating with Supra." He added, making his friends to stare at him in disbelief.

"Are you being serious right now, Ais?" Blaze asked, with his brows furrowed.

"I'm one-hundred percent positive." Ais responded, looking up afterwards as he drowned himself once again from his thoughts filled with mystery and unsolved puzzles.

"Okay, you know what? Let's just forget about that. Past is in the past, today's the present and tomorrow's another day that awaits us." Taufan beamed, earning a nod from his friends in agreement while curving a small smile.

"Yeah, Taufan's right. Let's focus what is today." Gempa stated, smiling warmly at every one of his best friends.

"Who knows? Maybe tomorrow can get better than this."

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