✴️ 27 - Leadership ✴️

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Sighing deeply, Glasier walked towards the lockers and rested his head and back on it, sliding down on the floor and he hugged his knees afterwards. He melancholy stared at the ground, trying to compose himself from what had happened earlier. He felt a tear on the corner of his bluish green eyes, but he tried to resist himself from crying.

"Don't cry, Glasier. Don't cry." He softly mumbled under his breath, his breath started hitching. "It's going to be fine. It will, eventually..."

Moments later, someone approached him, sitting down beside him while leaning his head on the locker door. The student government president slowly lifted his head, glancing to his side to see who that person is. His gloomy eyes widened a bit, surprised after seeing that person seated next to him.

"It's okay to cry, you know..." The earth elemental calmly stated, curving a small, gentle smile on his lips. "Crying makes you stronger, so let it all out."

Glasier sniffled. "Why are you helping me...?" He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"It's not because I wanted to, but because I know you need it." Gempa replied, his gentle smile never leaving his face. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But keeping it to yourself for too long makes you feel that stinging pain inside you longer."

"... Why should I trust you?"

"Because... I might be the last person you could ever trust here."

The new student sighed in defeat. "Fine... I just... feel like a failure..." He stated. "You saw how chaotic our schoolmates became when I tried organising an event for them. I thought it would be a success. But then, I guess not..."

Gempa hummed. "Well, yeah... You did failed, but have you ever given up in your life? Because it only means failure, when you had given up. But if you choose to stand up again, you'll never be a failure."

His rival then glanced at his collar where his golden pin (that a student government president of the school must wear) was located, unpinning it afterwards. "I guess, I don't deserve this pin... I don't deserve my position either... You deserve it more than I do. You make a great leader than I do, and I sincerely apologise for taking everything away from you. I shouldn't have done that at all."

Gempa stared at the pin, then back at his competitor. He merely shook his head, smiling warmly at him as he gently pushed back the pin he was holding back at him, causing his rival to look at him both in confusion and disbelief.

"I accept your apology, but I don't want you to give me your position for being the student government president. You earned it, Mr. President." The earth elemental responded, chuckling softly.

Glasier frowned at him. "After everything I just did, you're still accepting me?" He asked in disbelief. "It's not fair, you know. I treated you like you were my slave. I was belittling everything you do, but you still forgave me for it...?"

"Every one of us make mistakes, and that's alright because we are not perfect. We just need to fix them, and learn from it." Gempa stated, as he smiled so genuine.

"Why are you so kind to me, Gempa...?" Glasier asked, looking glumly at his rival.

"Because a small act of kindess brings many good things in life."

The transferee only shook his head as his eyes shed a tear. "... I don't deserve you..." He mumbled. "Really. You're too friendly, and gentle... and patient for me..."

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