✴️ 14 - Here For You ✴️

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"Hali!~" The wind manipulator chirped, barging inside his half-brother's room without warning.

"When will you evER STOP BOTHERING ME?!" The short-tempered boy exclaimed, his ruby eyes twitching as he gave his best friend a death glare.

Halilintar was silently looking out his window, until Taufan had to break that calm atmosphere around him, which irritated the fearsome badboy so much. But, all his friend wanted was to be there for him, always, to cheer him up and lighten up his mood, and never leaving his lightning elemental friend's side. Though the latter really hoped that one day, his friend know what an 'alone time' is.

"I never planned to." The cyan-blue eyed elemental said, smiling then laughed cheekily.

"If you're here to ask me for a hug, I'll never hesitate to shock you with a thousand volts." Halilintar threatened, his teeth gritted grudgingly.

"I'm just here to check on you," Taufan reasoned, as he looked at his best friend gloomily. "I'm just worried, you know..."

The popular badboy frowned. "Why would you be? I'm doing fine, Taufan. Just stop bothering me for once." He responded, sighing deeply afterwards.

The wind elemental sighed as well. "Alright, if you say so. I'm gonna leave you for now. Do what you wanna do and sorry for disturbing you." He stated, giving him a wide smile before exiting his room.

Halilintar couldn't help but feel worried for him instead as he knew, the smile he showed to him was a forced one. He knew that something was off from his friend. Because of that, he didn't hesitate to go after him and teleported near him, firmly but gently grabbing his arm which caused his friend to stop from walking.

"What's wrong, Taufan?" He asked, his bloodshot eyes filled with concern as he stared at his best friend. "And don't you dare keep some things from me. Talk to me, please." He added, the sound of eagerness from the tone in his voice was clearly present.

"I'm scared..." Taufan uttered, his teary cerulean eyes slowly looking up at the ruby ones.

"Of what?"

"... that our friendship might fall apart." The wind elemental answered, as his lips quivered in fear. "If that happens, everything will never be the same, and every one of us would start to change." He added.

The electrical teenager stared at his friend, seemingly thinking of what he could say. He wanted to comfort his terrified friend so bad, but after hearing those things his friend just said, it bothers him as well. What if their friendship do fall apart?

He let out a heavy sigh, shaking that thought off as he believed that that would be impossible, since their friendship bond remained strong for a long time already, and will still grow stronger despite the different problems they face. He then noticed that his best friend's starting to tear up, and because of that, he panicked, internally.

Since he couldn't think of anything, he did that one thing he'd never done in all his life;

He pulled his close friend into a warm, comforting hug.

Taufan was surprised with the sudden action, sniffling afterwards as he buried his face on his half-brother's shoulder— with the latter didn't care about his shirt getting wet due to his friend's tears staining on it. He didn't returned the hug yet, but he was touched by the kind, little gesture of his lightning elemental friend.

Usually, Taufan's always the one who would bring out some positive vibes to brighten everyone's mood, and he's also the one who would always cheer people up. But, why is it on the other way around? Halilintar thought as he heaved another long sigh while gently patting his weeping friend's head and soothed him.

"Hey," The famous electric user softly called. "Weren't you the one who told us to focus on the present?" He simply asked, a rare chuckle escaped from his lips.

"Well, sometimes it's just hard not to think that something will happened between our friendship." His wind elemental friend replied, letting out a shaky breath afterwards.

"To be honest, I'm afraid too, you know..." The fearsome badboy stated. "But thinking about it too much can make it more like, it is possible to happen. Just let those negativities go, Tau. Focus on the bright side."

The gentleness in his voice and his protective warm embrace made the wind manipulator to finally calm down. He finally hugged his friend back, a sad smile crept on his once glum face.

"Thank you, Hali..." Taufan genuinely said.

"If you ever have problems, I'm just here for you when you need someone to talk to..." Halilintar soothed, as he pursed his lips.

Few moments later, the cyan-blue eyed boy then let out a soft chuckle. "Finally, you're the one who pulled me for a hug." He mumbled, as he curved a small smile on his lips. "This is the first time though..."

"S-Shut up," Halilintar stuttered, his face blushing from embarrassment. "I just hated seeing you like this..." He stated, his lips slightly forming a sulky pout. "I only want you to be happy, so just stay that way..."

Hearing his friend's last statement made the wind elemental's heart dropped, feeling warmer on the inside. His tsundere friend do care for the ones he loved, but he just rarely shows it everyday, or he only does it secretly. He wondered if their friends knew about it too, but he have a feeling that they already knew about his good side as well.

But he truly wished for his half-brother to stay like this.


Long story short, this is kind of... a true story, but with a different problem and it's between me and my big brother. Though it just happened few weeks ago, I still remembered what he told me.

That line where Halilintar said, "If you ever have problems, I'm just here for you when you need someone to talk to", is the exact words my brother told me, and I couldn’t forget about it till this day.

And don't yall worry! I'm doing alright now! OwO/ 💖

So, I thought of putting it here too, not because I want to, but to tell yall that there's always someone who cares for you, even when you think that no one does. UwU 💞

Welpz... Goodn— wait, it's actually midnight... So... Good mor-night! >:3 💕

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