✴️ 25 - Attention ✴️

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"You... okay?" Solar worriedly asked, hesitating whether to approach the weeping teen or not.

"I'm f-fine..." Supra stammered, sniffling afterwards. "Just... l-leave..."

"You can't get rid of us that easily, kid." Halilintar stated, as he folded his arms on his chest.

"Why do you care anyways? It's not like you can help me!"

"Then what? You want us to stand right here and do nothing about your situation?" The famed alchemist replied, gritting his teeth in annoyance.

"I can handle this m-myself..."

"You've suffered too much, I know it." The light elemental added, sighing softly. "Let us at least help you."

"Even if we're rivals?" The new student responded, forcibly sitting down on a chair as it made a slight screeching noise.

"Rival or not, it doesn't matter. What matters more is being there for that person when he needs it." The popular badboy stated, pursing his lips.

Supra then heaved a heavy sigh, his eyes staring down on the ground with his head hung low. "Isn't it sad when you've gotten hurt so much, you can finally say, 'I'm use to it'?" He mumbled, as tears started to water up from his eyes again.

Solar hummed quietly, sitting down on a chair right next to him. "Were you being too prideful of yourself because you only want to get other people's attention?" He simply asked, earning no response from Supra as he stayed silent.

"Attention, huh? You don't get enough attention not from those people who only notices your appealing figure, but from your love ones, am I right?" He added, making the depressed lad to merely look at him, but didn't answer.

"Is this why you always get in our way because you want to get noticed?" Again, he received no response from Supra.

"Silence means yes, right?" Once more, no response.

"Nobody's... paying attention to you at home...?" Halilintar suddenly asked. Short while later, Supra gave them a slight nod for an answer.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that argument you had with Frostfire earlier?" Solar questioned, curious about the scene that took place.

Supra let out a pained chuckle, sniffling as tears once again, started making their way down his face. "It was just a stupid fight. We always fight. There is not a day that we do not argue with each other. For short, we argue almost everyday."

The famous lightning element furrowed his brows. "Maybe, the two of you were just, having a lack of communication with one another, that's why both of you barely get along..."

"Maybe... But that wasn't the problem..."

"You should have talk this through with your friends..." Solar suggested, causing the transferee to force a smile and chuckled slightly.

"No, they aren't my friends. They are actually my... brothers." Supra replied, as he felt his heart ached when he stated the last word. This left the legendary duos stunned by his statement.

"Then, w-why didn't you discuss this to your brothers?"

"I never did." Supra merely curved a small smile. "I only kept it to myself because, one of them still... accused me that I was the one who 'killed' them..."

"Killed... who?" Both Halilintar and Solar asked in unison.

"... Our parents..." The new student answered, letting out a heartbreaking whimper afterwards. "I was such an idiot... and what Frostfire told me got stuck in my mind, that I should've been the one who's gone instead... and he's right."

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