✴️ 4 - Gossips ✴️

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"What's with the long face?" The famous electrical element asked, glancing at the current student government secretary of Stanford High. "It's rare seeing you like this."

Presently, Gempa and Halilintar were waiting for their fifth subject to start, and at this moment, both of them are classmates. They felt relieved that at least one of them shared the same classes together, which ended up being the both of them, but that really didn't matter for them.

They're actually glad about it, and that there will be someone who can accompany them. Meanwhile with their other friends, they have different classes, and fortunately, some of them got similar classes to attend to with each other as well.

Gempa hummed in thought, thinking whether he should tell his friend what's been bothering him lately or not. He sighed in defeat, knowing it'll only get suspicious if he lied to him, because he knew that Halilintar's good at noticing people who are feeling down just by the looks of it.

"Just some gossips I've heard from some of our schoolmates..." He replied, pursing his lips while his brows furrowed.

"What is it all about?"

The earth element heaved a deep sigh, glancing at his friend afterwards. "They said that Glasier— the new student government president now, is better than me, and that, I'm too scary compared to him. I also heard them, saying he's more gentle and friendly than me." He stated, chuckling lightly but in a pained way. "I guess he does deserve that position more than me."


"I know I'm not good enough, and that I don't deserve that title. Heh, at least... they wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore because I won't be the one to check on them. Glasier will." Gempa added, tears started forming in his hazel-golden eyes, but managed to curve a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry if I ever frightened any of you. I was only doing my job..." He mumbled, as he gritted his teeth to hold back his tears. But it didn't take long as his tears started escaping from his despairing eyes.

Halilintar bit his bottom lip, slightly panicking on the inside since he's not good at comforting people like this. He stared at his gloomy classmate, and noticed that he's about to cry. He didn't know what to do. What can he do?

He gulped, his hand slowly making its way on his friend's back, patting it gently afterwards. He then sighed lightly, looking at Gempa with his tenderhearted rubescent eyes. "I'm no good with words but..." He uttered, his face forming a deep frown afterwards.

"Let me tell you this, those students who backstabbed you just now, don't deserve someone who's kind as you." He firmly said.

"Also, without you being as our student government president before, our school wouldn't be in order and in peace like this at all. Without you, our circle of friendship wouldn't be completed. Without you, well... probably me and Solar would start the school's first ever MMA Fight when you hadn't stopped us before." He added, curving a grin on his lips afterwards.

Gempa laughed softly from his last statement. Somehow, he felt a bit better, and he was grateful to have his lightning elemental friend by his side for cheering him up at least. Honestly, he never thought his friend would say those words to him, which he got slightly surprised about it.

After noticing that Gempa felt a little better, the fearsome bad boy sighed in relief. He then formed a small smile on his lips, his hand still patting his friend's back gently. "You feeling okay now?" He softly asked, as he looked at his earth elemental friend.

Gempa smiled warmly at him, sighing. "Yeah." He replied. "Thank you, Halilintar. You're truly a good friend." He genuinely said, which made the tsundere boy to look away and blushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't need to give me compliments." The red-eyed boy stated, folding his arms on his chest while still flustered from what his friend just said.

The student government secretary chuckled softly as he wiped his tears off his eyes. "To be honest, this is the first time I see that soft side of yours." He remarked, grinning. "You should show it more often though."

"Hm," Halilintar shook his head slightly while waving his hand, declining his last statement. "I can't. It'll ruin my reputation."

Gempa sighed deeply from his friend's response, chuckling slightly afterwards. "But it's not bad to let out that gentle side of yours sometimes, right?"

"Err... Maybe?" The popular bad boy responded, unsure of what he said.

Before Gempa could speak furthermore, their subject teacher had arrived their classroom, which it's their cue to finally end their conversation, for now.

"Good afternoon, students!"

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