✴️ 24 - Argument ✴️

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Peacefully, Gempa was getting some things from his locker, setting down some of his things he didn't need inside as well. His locker was very neat, all of his books and notebooks are properly arranged, and not even a single dirt can be seen in there. Not only school-related things are found in there, but also some pictures which are taped on the opposite side of his locker.

Before he closed his locker door, he took a nice look on the pictures beside him, staring at them for a moment. All his pictures contained him and his friends, some were a groupie, some were selfies, but there's only one picture of them that they're complete, and that single photo, is very precious for Gempa. That's why that picture of them together is on the middle of every photos he has on his locker.

A genuine smile was slowly formed on his lips, a longing memory of being with his friends together before all the rivalry wars started. He let out a long, happy sigh before gently closing his locker door, gripping his necessities on his other hand. Not long after, he walked his way back to the library, just for him to sit there and wait for their adjusted school time to start, or probably read a book in silence while waiting.

But he suddenly stopped on his tracks once he saw something infront, making him gasped in shock. No, it wasn't 'something', but rather, 'someone', and it's not only one, but, three people. He immediately hid behind another hallway, staggered as he watched an unexpected scene before him with wide eyes.

<=> <=> <=>

"Flipping Sup-rat doesn't know how to shut his annoying, baffling mouth..." Halilintar grumbled, as he kept ranting some things about his rival under his breath. "Ridiculous, moronic imposter..."

Solar on the other hand, kept cringing on the background while listening to every insults his rivalry-friend makes with his phone in hand, recording everything he says. He couldn't stop grinning like an idiot, trying not to laugh at every contempt his rival vent out. But he secretly smiled as he remembered those times where both of them kept on calling each other names, even until now.

"Why on earth are you recording everything I say, you science geek?!"

"Why? It's hilarious, you snappy tsundere!"

The lightning element grunted, rolling his eyes off rudely at his rival. "I swear if you won't stop recording, I'll freaking drain your battery power from your phone!" He threatened.

Solar scoffed as he stopped recording and turned off his phone instantly. "Right, fine! Geez! You really don't have a sense of humour, do you?" He sighed, looking away afterwards.

"Oh yeah?! Well, you're just a freaking daft hoofer influenced by a bunch of TikTok lunatics!"

"Wow!~ Like I really got hit right in the gut by that nooby insult, you brainless dweeb!"

Confused, both Halilintar and Solar exchanged glances at each other, seemingly just heard a very familiar voice before taking a few steps to look on the other hallway to see what's all the commotion about. Astounded by what they saw, they swiftly went inside a classroom to hide and observed the ruckus that was happening. It was quite a shock and a very unexpected moment for them to see those people in this current state.

And those people that's causing all the commotion, is none other than, their rivals.

"Who are you calling a 'dweeb', huh!?" Supra exclaimed, with his furious-looking eyes glowed brightly underneath his scarlet visor, which caused the eyes of the elementals— who were watching— to widen more.

"You, dweeb!" Frostfire snapped, as one of his hands ignited in flames and the other in chilly frost.

"Ros! Rap! Stop fighting right now!" Glasier scolded, pushing the arguing duos away from each other.

"Like heck I'll freaking obey what you just said! No way! This brat is getting into my nerves!"


"I will not stop if Frostfire right here does not stop first!"


"You messed up big time, you wimp! I wonder if they'll ever be proud of you." Frostfire hummed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Don't you freaking dare bring up that topic!" Supra fumed, both of his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Tch! It's your fault they aren't here anymore! So now what?! They're gone! It's because of you!"

"No, don't... s-stop..."

"Ros! Stop it!"

"Of course you get the freaking blame because you made that happened!" Frostfire yelled, causing Supra to shut his eyes and cover his ears from listening to Frostfire's harsh words again as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Ros! I said stop!"

"You really think I can forgive you after for what just happened?! Shame on you, Supra! I hope you're the one who's gone instead!"

Supra couldn't hold it back anymore as he let the tears fall from his eyes, his teeth gritted. "I HATE YOU!" He quickly turned his back on them and started to run away. But before he could even do so, he felt a hand gripped on his arm, making him glance at its owner.

"Please... Stay..." Glasier begged, as he looked at him gloomily. Supra only shook his head in response and yanked off his arm, sprinting from who-knows-where afterwards.


Panting lightly, Supra entered inside a classroom, tears were still streaming down his face. He then looked up, but when he did, his eyes shot wide open. His rivals are here with him, staying in the same classroom. But when he scanned their faces, his eyes soften when he noticed something from them.

They were looking at him, in worry.

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