✴️ 3 - Unusual ✴️

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Supposedly, the group of elemental friends have a chaotic and wild moments together whenever it's the start of their break time. These includes, Taufan and Blaze starting a food fight without warning— with Gempa reprimanding them to stop that childish act immediately, Ais splashing his drink to Blaze's face everytime he annoys him, Duri and his so-many confusing and unsolved mystery questions— which almost made Solar's brain exploded due to his so-complicated trivial inquiries, and most of all, Halilintar and Solar's never-ending quarrel at each other about popularity.

But this time, their break time is different. All of them were strangely quiet compared before. It's very unusual for them to be like this. Consequently, Taufan and Duri certainly noticed this uncommon behaviour of their best friends.

For them, the silent atmosphere around them is very unsettling. It was really akward, especially when nobody among them started at least, a small pep talk. They didn't know what to do, nor what to say, as they talked to each other telepathically whether or not, they should break this uncomfortable and unnerving ambience.

They observed each and every one of their friends on their table. They were only munching on their own food, while some of their gazes were either, on their meal, or straight off somewhere— possibly daydreaming from another world, or just thinking deeply about something.

Feeling so rattled with their odd manner, they decided to start a normal conversation.

"So, guys..." Taufan started, causing everyone from the group to turn and face him. Now that he got their attention, he couldn't shake the uneasiness feeling inside him. But also, he couldn't just let this unusual mood go on throughout their break.

"How did your first and second classes go?" He asked, as he chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head. His question made his friends' faces turned into a deep frown (except for Duri), which made him thought that he just worsened the mood more. Undoubtedly for him, that was the dumbest question he'd ever ask.

"I guess... it didn't go well enough for some of you...?" He added, forcing another nervous chuckle and pursed his lips afterwards.

"Let's just say, some idiots are trying to take over our titles." Ais stated, then took a bite of his food.

"Take over your titles?" Duri curiously asked, his head slightly titled to the side. "What do you mean by that?

Ais heaved a long sigh before telling them what had happened earlier.

<=> <=> <=>


"Okay, Roast fries, why are you meddling with our own business?" The fire elemental asked, irritated by the new student's sudden rude behaviour.

"Because why not? It's my job too." Frostfire stated, grinning. "And it's not 'Roast fries', it's 'Frostfire', you donkey-head."

"What did you call me, huh?!" Blaze exclaimed, his fists clenched tightly as he was about to stomp his way towards him, when Ais held him back off.

"Blaze, no." His childhood friend calmly said, shaking his head before turning his head to look at their rival, giving him a cold and menacing glare. "Let him be. I don't think we should teach him a lesson. He better learn that lesson himself." He added.

Frostfire only scoffed from his response. "That's some big words right there, huh? What are you, a teacher, or a gabby little stout?"

"Why you..."

"Forget it, Ais. Let's just leave him alone." Blaze interrupted, grabbing his friend's arm before dragging Ais with him away from the transferee.

"Oh, retreat so sudden? Why? Because you don't have anything to say?"

"Just shut up, you garrulous bozo!"

[End of Flashback]

<=> <=> <=>

"Oh man..." Taufan uttered, speechless after listening to their two friends' story. "Sorry to hear that..."

"What are you apologising for? You didn't do anything wrong." Blaze stated, grinning at his varsity buddy afterwards. "Besides, me and Ais are still the best psychologist students here! Aight, aight??" He added, as he teasingly elbowed his ice elemental friend, which the latter later on, gave him a nice smack on his head afterwards.

"Ah, geez..." The crimson-eyed boy grunted, carefully touching this swollen sore on his head while pouting. "Why do you have to hit me that hard?!" He snarled at his childhood friend, which he just got ignored by him in the end.

"Well, not gonna lie, same thing happened to me, but in a different way." Gempa intervened, all the attention now goes to the former student government president.

<=> <=> <=>


"What the— This is unacceptable!" Gempa exclaimed, his golden eyes looked so surprised and confused.

"Then accept it." Glasier calmly responded, staring at him expressionlessly.

"I cannot!"

"Better be happy because you've been promoted for being the secretary instead."

"Excuse me?! Since when did being the president before, who unexpectedly became a secretary now, was called 'promoted'?!" Gempa argued. "I just got freaking demoted!"

"Hush! Don't you remember our student government rules?~" The new student grinned. "Complaining, fighting and arguing against the student government president is strictly prohibited."

The earth elemental only huffed from his response, shutting his mouth afterwards.

[End of Flashback]

<=> <=> <=>

Duri gasped softly, looking at Gempa in pity. "I... don't know what to say, Gem..." He said, moving closer to the downgraded student and gave him a comforting hug. The latter smiled warmly from his genuine action, gently returning the hug afterwards.

"It's okay. At least I'm still part of the student government." Gempa stated, chuckling lightly.

"What about you two?" Ais asked, glancing both at the two popular rivals who were silent all along. "Do you guys by any chance, have a rival like us?"

"Oh, yes. We have." Halilintar replied, scoffing. "Sup-rat, the poetic goof." He added, making his rivalry-friend nodding in agreement.

Blaze snorted from his response. "A rival who's a poet? That's weird, and kind of unique too in some way."

"A rhymer maniac even better." Solar butted in, which made the trio (Taufan, Blaze and Duri) laughed from what he said.

"Oh wow, are we callin' names about our rivals now?" Gempa asked, shaking his head in disbelief while chuckling slightly. "I think that's just way too much..."

"Better start making some wheezy moments like a real man than being a bunch of mute cowards who are some petrified wimps." Taufan suggested, making all of his friends grinned and nodded from his response.

"By the way, what about you, Gem? Any nicknames you wanna give to your rival?" The famed alchemist asked.

"Eh, fine. I'll play along, but just this once." The earth elemental gave in, as he chuckled once more. "He's a one heck of a conceited, dumbo leader."

"Yeah! Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

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