✴️ 19 - Ignore ✴️

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"Blaze, wait!" Ais cried, causing his friend to stop from his tracks and panted lightly. He managed to catch up beside him, looking at him in worry.

"I'm sorry, Ais. I couldn't control myself that time..." The fire elemental apologized, before kneeling down on the floor and covered his face using both of his hands.

"Hey..." Ais kneeled down beside him, gently soothing him by patting his back. "At least you stood up to him."

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to get detention after this... for skipping my varsity."

"And I'm pretty sure you won't be going back to that varsity ever again."

Blaze only chuckled lightly from his response and faced his childhood friend. "Thanks for being here, Ais." He softly whispered, making the latter curve a small, gentle smile at him.

"I always got your back."

Few minutes later, they heard one of their schoolmates weeping not far from where they are, making them look at each other and nodded. They could tell that the depressed sobs were coming from a girl, as it was obvious from the high-pitched tone of the voice that echoed throughout the hallway. In no time, they went towards their schoolmate in tears, and as soon as they got there, they quickly approached the student carefully.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The fire element softly asked, trying his best not to frighten the girl infront of him.

"It's my boyfriend! He just broke up with me!" The girl replied, as she started crying her heart out again.

Blaze merely stared at her both in disbelief and blankly. He then turned to his friend, giving him a look that says, 'I can't deal with any of these break-up relationships, bro', in which Ais get what he was trying to say and volunteered to help the girl instead. So, the ice element carefully sat beside the girl and talked about it in a calm manner.

"Thank you! You're a life saver!" Blaze mouthed at his childhood friend, receiving a thumbs up from the latter afterwards.

<=> <=> <=>

All day. Their rival has been ignoring and avoiding them the whole day. Though they felt relieved about it, but it was unusual for him to act that way.

Whenever Frostfire's about to pass by Blaze and Ais, he would only scoff and glare at them as he would turn away to the other direction and walk off. Strange, the two students who were entitled as the psychologists thought. But they only shrugged it off since they just needed a space for once.

"I don't have any idea why he's acting all weird, but I'm kind of glad with that sudden change." Blaze commented as he took a sip on his iced tea. "Therefore, we wouldn't have to worry about a thing."

"But, isn't it odd for him to be that way? Something must have happened..." Ais stated, chewing onto his tasty hamburger.

"Do you really want to discuss that infront of my precious iced tea?" The fire elemental asked, raising a brow at his childhood friend.

"Keep talking there, you two..." Taufan interrupted as he glanced at Blaze and Ais back and forth. "You're aren't sharing your scary stories with us, you know." He said, with the famous duos also looking back at them in confusion.

"Ah, scary stories, huh?" The crimson-eyed boy grinned widely, trying to change the subject before turning his head to their other friends. "Alright, allow me to share to you some of the horror stories I've heard from some of our classmates~"

After hearing that statement, one of them started to feel uneasy, as he's slowly getting some goosebumps with his face turned completely pale. He bit his bottom lip, slowly lowering down the bill of his cap to try and hide the fact that he's actually afraid, and that he didn't want them to see his terrified-looking face. But unfortunately, his best friend somehow noticed it and smirked at him.

"Oh, Hali~ Are you afraid of scary stuffs?~" Taufan teased, making the lightning elemental to blush in embarrassment and gave his half-brother a death glare.

"Huh, scared?! Tch! I'm not scared of anything! I'm not a baby, airhead!" Halilintar snapped, trying to show his brave and composed look but his trembling body says otherwise.

"Oh, that's new. I didn't know Mr. Globophobic Bravestone here is afraid of... ghosts." Solar remarked, making him stifle a laugh as he stared at his rivalry-friend rather in an amusing way.

"Shut up, you mad scientist!" The popular badboy rolled his eyes, as his friends continued to tease his one, untold weakness he's been trying to hide from them for years.

As the group remained chaotic as ever despite the absence of their two other friends, Ais took this opportunity to look around them while his friends were busy talking. Meanwhile with him, he was glancing around, observing everything in sight as usual, until his sky-blue eyes fixed on someone from a distance. Frostfire, he eyed on that person carefully.

He caught him looking at their table with rather, a longing look before turning away and continued to eat his own food. He also noticed that he was not alone while eating. He was with Gempa's rival, Glasier.

Ais then started to compile some theories in his mind once again, trying to figure out some things on his own— even though he knows that it's not his business at all, and trying to answer every question that was popping out in his head. He was thinking too deeply in his thoughts that he didn't realized, his friends were trying to call out his name.

"Hey, Ais! You okay back there?" The well-known alchemist asked, with his friends also gazed at him in confusion.

The ice elemental immediately perked up, nodding his head in a quick manner afterwards. "Yeah, I'm alright." He responded, before taking a swift glance to where Frostfire and Glasier were sitting and to his surprise, they were already gone.

'What are you trying to hide, Frostfire...?'

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