✴️ 20 - Chaos ✴️

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Sighing heavily, the student government secretary, Gempa, made his way to their office while bringing his necessities with him. The student government officers, including him, were informed by Glasier that they'll be having a meeting in their office before their morning classes start. As an experienced executive, Gempa always go to school early than their usual time.

But sometimes, he felt like he was forcing himself too much, to the point where he just wanted to retire from being a student government officer. It's not because he's tired of it— since he do love his work for being a dignitary in school, but he just feels lonely everytime. He's forbidden to see his friends in school, and it's truly difficult for him to say that he really enjoy this final high school year.

He's been suffering for months already, suffering from too much pressure, and from too much loneliness. In fact, he had nobody else to be with in the past, not until... his friends showed up. He'd never felt so alone last year once he met them, and that they completely changed his life.

Their wholesome friendship brought him radiant colors, giving him so much hope and determination. Does he really deserves this? Or maybe fate has its own way of giving him what he'd been longing after struggling for years?

Moving on, the earth elemental stilly went into their meeting room. As expected, the student government officers were already inside, patiently waiting while others were having a short conversation with each other since their president wasn't in the room yet. Gempa softly sighed, relieved that he wasn't late for their meeting and hastily walked to a swivel chair and sat on it.

Not for long, Glasier arrived, causing everyone in the room to be in silence. The transferee eyed each of his subordinates one by one, checking if nobody's absent for today's meeting. Moments later, he grinned and greeted them in a serious manner, as their meeting finally begun.

<=> <=> <=>

"Alright, so I was thinking of having these programs and events here in our school." Glasier stated, showing his subordinates his made-up plans for their schools.

"But what if our schoolmates wouldn't like these?" One of the officers asked, making the others, including Gempa to nod in agreement after seeing their leader's suggestions.

"I don't care if our schoolmates don't like these kinds of stuff. I want to make this school year to be far more interesting and challenging for all of us. I can already imagine that everyone would like it. Besides, who wouldn't want this school year to be a fun experience, right?"

Glasier's response made some of his subordinates to groan quietly, while others only smiled at him forcefully while laughing nervously. Truthfully, the student government officers were very hesitant towards their president's decisions, as if they wanted to speak out that they should have change of plans instead because they didn't want their schoolmates to be forced in a way, but they were too scared to open up. But out of all of them, Gempa was the only member from the group who scowled at his rival and bravely stood up to him.

"I don't think this plan of yours can make this school year a 'fun' experience. It's more like a 'wretched' experience. You can't just force our schoolmates to do what you want! And I don't think our teachers and staffs would approve any of your plans either."

"Huh," Glasier calmly walked towards Gempa, meeting him face-to-face. "Are you doubting me, Mr. Secretary?" He asked, as he narrowed his eyes towards his competitor.

"I'm just trying to point out what you've been doing wrong—"

"I'm the school's student government president here—"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have the authority to rule everything in your way." Gempa snapped, his hazel-golden eyes glaring at the person infront of him.

"You're done." The new student proclaimed, making his rival's eyes to widen in surprise as the other students gasped in shock.


"You're kicked out from this organization." Glasier sternly said once more, with his arms crossed together. He then gave him a smirk. "Don't worry, I'd already recruited someone to take your place."

Gempa's eyes started to water up in tears, his teeth clenched tightly as he grabbed his things and headed to the door. But before he left, he slightly turned around, sighing in exasperation as he stared at his rival. "You're going to regret this..."

After giving him that statement, he exited the room, with his things in hand.

<=> <=> <=>

Time flies so fast, Gempa thought as he made his way to school. Although he was quite sad with the fact that he's not part of the student government anymore, but he was glad that his yearning freedom finally engulfed him. He would no longer be his rival's own puppet.

The thought of being able to finally be with his friends when he's in school excites him, making him walk in a fast pace towards his destination. In just a couple of minutes, he reached the said building, entering eagerly afterwards. But as soon as he went inside, he felt like his heart stopped as he witnessed something infront of him with his own eyes.

His schoolmates, rallying to stop the programs and events their student government president made-up and kept insisting to remove Glasier out of the organization. Some were ranting, while some were even vandalising the walls and lockers, and all the teachers, staff and security guards were desperately trying to calm them down and restrain them. It was like, a crowd of protesters who were trying to fight for their rights, and were trying to abolish their elected head of the country, thinking that he or she hadn't done much for their nation.

This horrible sight gave Gempa a great fear, and started praying that everything would just turn back to normal.

"What's happening to Stanford High...?"

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