✴️ 26 - Listen ✴️

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Right after Supra left, Frostfire and Glasier were the only ones remained. The student government president sighed sadly, facing his brother afterwards with a disappointment look on his face. The latter glanced back at him, frowning before leaving him behind as well, making Glasier the only one standing in the middle of the hallway.

Frostfire thought of going to the balcony of the school, just so he could ponder some things there. When he reached the place mentioned, he noticed a boy, seated on the floor while hugging his knees, with his arms covering his head between his knees. Concerned, he approached the him, and kneeled down infront of him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his head tilted slightly to the side while staring at the boy. Sobs and whimpers were the only ones he could make out, as he received no response from the boy. He heaved a long sigh.

"You know, you shouldn't be worrying about the people who don't like for who you—"

Unexpectedly, the boy stood up, interrupting Frostfire's statement and gave him an aggravated glare afterwards.

"Stop acting like you know everything!" His schoolmate exclaimed, his teeth gritted angrily. "Plus, that's not even my problem at all!" He added, before stomping his way out of the balcony, leaving Frostfire all alone.

The psychologist imitator grunted, kicking his own foot on the railings harshly. "Why does everyone back out whenever I try to help them?!" He ranted, his whole body trembling in rage.

"Because you're already assuming things..." Ais stated, crossing his arms on his chest as he appeared from the entrance of the balcony, with Blaze beside him. "You're like a fortune teller who knows what will happened next."


Blaze raised a brow at him. "We're not even doing anything yet for your information." He responded, pursing his lips afterwards.

"Still! I don't like to see your faces ever again!" Frostfire spat, but the fire and ice elemental only nodded at him, like they'd already predicted what he's about to say.

"Both of your presence disgusts me, so get the freak out of my face!" Again, the psychology duos merely nodded at him.

"I'm tired seeing you two around! It's pissing me off! Hope you two vanish from my sight!"

"You done now?" The crimson-eyed boy asked, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. Their rival only rolled his eyes from his question.

"You noticed what we did just now?" Ais simply questioned, making Frostfire to look at him in confusion. "We listened while you vociferate at us." He specified, approaching their competitor slowly as he made his way beside him, his back and elbows were resting on the railings.

"That's what you've been lacking ever since you're getting in our way." He added, with their rival still perplexed as he stared at him. "You think I don't observe you while you're trying to 'help' our schoolmates when they have problems?"

Frostfire furrowed his brows. "Are you a stalker or something?"

"No, I'm just an observer. I observe everything and everyone around me when I feel bored."

"Heh, I really have no idea how almost everyone look up to you guys, rather than me." Their rival chuckled slightly. "Even if I gave them so many advices, they would just ignore it. No matter how good you are, you can always be replaced." He said, as he bit his bottom lip.

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