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Next Day

We all agreed to meet up at a nearby park so that Ten could pick us up. The only 3 who arent here are Jisung, Chenle and Renjun.

We waited patiently for the 3 of them and soon they came.

"Sorry we're late!" Jisung apologized "You bett-" I covered Tens' mouth and said "Its fine, let's go?" Ten rolled his eyes.

We passed through a clutch of trees which made me think 'where the hell is this guy's house!?' Soon we were met up with a house near the beach and holy cow it's big.

"We're here" "I refuse to believe this is your house" I said "Shut up, I make money too okay?" Ten said while rolling his eyes.

2 hours of practicing later》

We layed on the floor catching our breaths. "We're done!" I looked at the time and it was 2PM. "Guys how about we do something before we all leave?" Jisung suggested and we all agreed.

Well except me. I'm still hesitating. I mean...War starts at 6PM... "Fine, my treat! Let's go get ice cream" I said and they all cheered.

We put our shoes back on and bid goodbye to Ten. "Wait! Let me drive you guys." Ten offered and  we accepted. We walked to his car and started driving back to the park.

《Time Skip 6PM 》

I went to get a little stroll in the park so I changed my pj's to a black hoodie with roses as designs, pants, my vans and head to the park.

As I was walking, i noticed that something was a little off. It was oddly quiet. Nobody was in the park. It was...weird. Was this staged, set-up maybe? I looked at the time and saw it was 6:00PM.

Dont tell me the war is happening here.

Lightning bolted and I hid behind a tree.
Light appeared from the opposite side and a blue dome, which is I think a border, started to cover the park up. I started to panic so I looked away from them and fanned myself. I started to sweat. I'm so nervous. What did I get myself in to?

I looked back at them and noticed A LOT of familiar faces but just cant get my mind into it. I squinted my eyes and finally found out who they are. I started sweating even more. I was so nervous that I started tearing up.

Cant believe half of my friends are here. The other 14 guys yesterday were there. The D-Dreamies!? Y-uqi!? RED VELVET!? Leeteuk was even there. I started tearing up when I saw Lisa. No wonder. She's still the greedy person here isnt she.

I covered my eyes due to the hectic scene infront of me. I couldn't bare it. The trauma of my parents death still haunts me. I looked back and noticed half of the Encantians terrified faces facing a specific area. I turned to where they were looking and saw Lisa with a quartz shard and putting the shard against Renjun's neck.

I have to do something. I cant let this happen again. Not to the person I love.

I started glowing and my eyes glowed white. I revealed myself and it seemed like everybody was shocked. "Well, well, well. Long time no see. You've...changed..." Lisa starts as she smirked at me. I glared daggers at her.

I didnt hesitate to throw her up in the air using psych powers. It took a big impact on her and it actually shocked her. "You want to fight? Let's fight. AFTER HER"

Her minions charged at me but I simply dodged them by flying. I made an ice barrier around the other Encantians so they wont get hurt. "Min xi! How about you?" Leeteuk shouted. I mouthed an I'll be fine and went back to fighting.

I did surprisingly good and defeated all of them, well, except for Lisa. I faced Lisa and we both stared at eachother.

Black smoke appeared and I couldn't see anything. I wasnt paying attention so little did I know Lisa shot her dark powers at me and hit a big impact on me.

She vanished and I layed on the concrete ground, hurt.

"Min xi! Are you okay!?" Yuqi asked, worried as the others rushed to help me. "Y-yeah, a little hurt though"  Leeteuk stepped beside me and began healing my wounds.

"That should help. Now that we're ACTUALLY complete, shall we go back to Encantia" Leeteuk said and I widened my eyes "What!?" "Anything wrong Min xi?" Renjun asked and I simply shook my head.

《 Encantian Palace, Encantia 》

We arrived at the Palace and wow it changed, a lot. We head to the meeting room and had a simple meeting. It was just them gonna ask me a bunch of questions.

The 14 other guys which I APPARENTLY didnt know introduced themselves. "It is a small world isnt it? My teacher-bestfriend is an Encantian, my bff is an Encantian, my friends are Encantians,my doctor is an Encantian, damn, even my "bullies" are Encantians" I said and suddenly Red Velvet looked at eachother "We're sorry for bullying you. Could we still be friends?" I nodded and smiled.

"Soooooo~~~ tell us your elements background, everything regarding you and Encantia" Jaemin said

"Well, my elements are Light, Air, Water, Frost or Ice and Psych. My parents are both Encantians but they died. My brother, well... I dont know if he's dead or alive. My favorite place to go to in Encantia is the Enchanted forest. And I still dont have a spirit animal. Yeah that's it"  

"You're free to roam around the palace. We'll have a little meeting first" Renjun said and i nodded saying see ya later.

《 Yuqi POV  》

"Arent there only 2 Encantians with ice Elemental powers? Renjun and another person. Then, only Chenle, Renjun, King Chan ha, Queen Jie and long lost princess, Min xi have light powers?" I asked

"Also, my sister's favorite place since then was the Enchanted Forest." Chenle added. We all looked at eachother with shook faces once realization hit us.

"Does that mean she's..." Chenle couldn't finish his sentence cause he was speechless "And I oop-"

"Ten, stop being a vsco girl"

- - -

Ooh shit. Will they find out? I WONT TELL YA! Sorry but ur gal gotta wait. StAy TuNedD pEoplE.

BTW sorry for late update. Kekeke~


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