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I have no hate for MomoLand Nancy, I luv her.

Renjun PoV

If Minxi's the princess, that means I have to date her! We barely even communicated and I dont even like her. It's a really messed up rule but we have to. No buts. She hasn't been to Encantia for about 11 years now so I'm sure that shes preety much unaware of this whole thing.

I told the butler to tell everyone that there was a meeting at 6:00. This should be fun. I wonder how they will react to all of this. Probably shocked, right?


"So um, I guess some know why I called a meeting. If you didnt well this meeting is because Minxi is actually Chenle's sister, the princess." I started "Wait so does that mean-" I cut Yuta off by saying "Yes, I have to date her..."
"WHAT!?" There you go. "OK SO YALL SHOULD'VE TOLD ME AS I GOT HERE THAT THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN!" Minxi freaked out "Yo, chill. We didnt know." Johnny said. Minxi turned to face me with a sincere face and asked...

"Do you want to date me or not? Because I definitely understand if you dont want to... answer me honestly." "W-well um... n-no but i-it could work out if we hang out m-more" I stuttered. Why the hell am I suddenly feeling so nervous around her.

"Aw man! Lowkey tho, I ship Renjun and Minxi. They look perfecto together" Yeri said while the others agreed. They started teasing and cooing me and Minxi while I TRIED to stop them but Minxi literally gave 0 shiz.

Does she like me? Why isnt she doing anything? "See, Minxi isnt saying anything so it's probably true" Hendery teased. "No, no. I'm not saying anything because why would I get mad at it if it isnt even true" Minxi said calmly and coolly and everyone was speechless. "Yeah, this is why I shouldnt suggest to tease Minxi because she will always do something to make you say 'oh, damn, shes right'" Yuqi said and we all laughed and agreed.

We were done with the meeting and everybody started leaving then I got pulled back. I turned my head saw that it was Minxi. "Are you really sure you want to date me. Its okay if you choose a different one. Nobody is supposed to control who we love anyways." She said in a worried tone "Give me 2-3 weeks to think about it" I said and she smiled.

I should be the one asking her those types of questions but instead shes the one who asks them. I could tell shes the 'I will still be worried and sincere about you even if you hurt me and hate me' type. I'm still not sure about my feelings for her tho. I've been seeing this girl too tho. I've liked her for a while now and I still love her and I cant just forget about her for Minxi. I need some time to think... I just cant deal with this right now.

MinXi PoV
1 Week Later

I have been hanging out with Renjun recently and he was surely a fun and amazing person to talk to. Although, everytime I talk to him, I feel like there are butterflies inside of my stomach. Which can only mean one thing, I'm starting to develop feelings for him but I think it isnt doing the same for him. He's seeing this other girl. Noisy? nany? I dont know I forgot her name but he's recently been falling for that girl and i could tell he doesnt like me back and only sees me as his friend. Sucks to suck doesnt it?

I went to the Enchanted forest to chill when suddenly a girl with 2 guards beside her came up to me. "Oh hey-" I said but I got cut off. "Shut up. Look, I know you like Renjun, I know you do but just know I love HIM and HE loves ME so back off. I know he's gonna choose me over you plus, you cant take back your words, you specifically said 'you dont have to do it if you dont want to'." I looked at her confused and asked. "Excuse me, who exactly are you?" I was confused. I was honestly confused of who she was and why Renjun would like her. I thought Renjun was smart and wise and this is the type of girl he likes? Smh... "Its Nancy...Jewel, McDonnie. It's only Nancy tho. Basically what I'm saying is, STAY. AWAY. FROM. HUANG. RENJUN!" She shouts then she clapped her hands twice and walked away as the guards followed her into her car.

I pulled her back towards me using my telechenetic powers to make her face me. "Can we still be friends?" I asked her while directly staring at her eyes. "Fine. But dont make him fall in love with you. Only hang out 2 times a week." She said. I stared at her while furrowing my eyebrows. "You do know we live together at the Palace or HQ right?" She looked at me with an 'are you serious?' face and said. "Then dont talk to him, duhh. Are you dumb?" She said sassily "No I'm MinXi"

I pushed her towards her car and waved bye at her. Hm, Nancy Jewel McDonnie. This is going to be fun. If I cant have him, then why not be just friends with him? I'm sounding salty, which, I am but i just want his happiness. I'm not a person that moves on quickly so I'll try to do my best. Why tf am I making such a big deal about this? I literally just figured out I liked him hours ago. I'm dramatic, pEriOdT.

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I'm back bitches!

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