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^^Yall listen to Renjun! <- I say that but I've never sucked dick before. I'm clean yall😌🤚.

Btw, I was kind sleep deprived and dru- I mean, sugar rushed(I'm a minor) so this chapter might suck.
- - -

"Why we meet again MinXi..."

"Didnt expect it to be this way, Lisa." I said while chuckling nervously.

"You scared Xixi?" She mocked while putting a pout on and making a crying gesture. "No I'm not." I said through gritted teeth. 

I took a glance at my friends in the cages and said "So let's do this again huh?"

We fought and I was surprisingly doing good. But not good enough. I was being aware of her one move that would always hurt me badly.

She started duplicating herself and there was black mist all over the dungeon. I was getting weak and my eyelids were getting heavy. My insides were stinging and I coughed harshly.

She was getting ready to stab me using a Quartz knife but then a light barrier was over me, protecting me.

I looked back and saw Renjun with his hand out while laying on the ground with closed eyes, pale skin and breathing unstable.

He must've used all his energy just for that.

The light barrier opened meaning Renjun passed....


out. (a/n:Yall gotta remember hes immortal and can only get killed by a Quartz shard or knife🙃)

Lisa got distracted by this and I took the time to attack her. I launched her off making her fall back and hit her head and pass out.

I saw Chenle and Daehwi opening the cages and helping the others out.

"Let's quickly get out of here." I said and Jisung and Jeno quickly got up since they already regained their energy. Jisung carried Mark and Haechan while Jeno did the same with Jaemin and Renjun.

We sneakily escaped the castle and Chièna itself. But not long after, we saw Chiènans chasing after us while shouting. "ZHONG MINXI!" "TAKE DOWN ZHONG MINXI!" "CHASE AFTER THE ROYALS!"

They definitely want me.

We crossed the border. We used Jisung and Jeno's speed and strength ability as an opportunity to outrun them.

We arrived at the Encantian palace, breathless.

We rested Renjun in his bedroom and sighed. "They're looking for you." Ten said as he entered the room while gesturing over to me.

"Well no shit Sherlock." I said breathlessly while plopping myself on Renjun's chair.

"Hey guys, I think we have quite a problem." Daehwi said nervously while looking up from his phone. "What is it?" Jeno asked.

"I think we led them towards Encantia and now there are more Chiènans here in Encantia and Elementia." He says while showing his phone screen to us. I grabbed the phone from him quickly. I looked at the news with a shocked and terrified face.

The video showed Chiènans destroying towns and homes. Also taking innocent lives while shouting out "WHERE IS ZHONG MINXI!?" "KILL ZHONG MINXI!"

I was both terrified and traumatized.

"You're in trouble MinXi." Chenle said seriously. I lazily dropped back on the couch and stared straight into a daze.

"Why me though?" I asked. "Not tryna make you mad or upset but... you fought Lisa, their Queen, multiple times. You were the one who had this idea to sneak in Chièna. You also-"

I cut Jisung off. "Okay okay okay. What do I do?"  I panicked mentally. "Honestly, I dont know. Just hide from them make sure they dont find you." Jaemin says. "Probably not here though since the palace is easy to find. Daehwi's house maybe?" Mark suggests and I nod.

Someone groaned and we whipped our heads to the sound. Renjun furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his head.

He sat up straight and asked "How's MinXi?" Unaware I was in the room. "I'm fine, now you have to rest." I said while walking towards him.

I showed him the news and he quickly became serious.

"MinXi, you need to stay away from them and hide. Kind of like quarantine yourself. Once they capture you, you including us are in big trouble. They will eventually capture all the Royals, they're just starting with you first. Lisa really wants revenge, that's why."

He let go of my shoulders and pat and caressed my head.

It was soon disturbed by a loud bang followed by a guard entering the room quickly. "Sir, Lisa and other Chiènans broke in. We tried to stop them but there's nothing we can do."

The others tensed up and reacted quickly.

"HELLO ROYALS! ITS ME AGAIN! Now where is that Zhong MinXi..." We heard faintly from the outside.

"MinXi hide." Renjun whispered to me as he carefully opened the door to his walk-in closet and shoved me inside while covering me with a bunch of his clothes. He walked out quickly and closed the door while locking it.

I heard muffled talking from the outside. I could only make up the words of my name and "where?" or "we wont hurt you."

I heard someone attempt to open the door but stopped because of course, it was locked.

Soon enough, the door broke down and it revealed Lisa with dark but glowing eyes. She looked angry. Maybe a little too angry. Maybe no- "ZHONG MINXI!" Nevermind.

"Whatever you do, do not leave or show yourself from that closet. When she actually finds you, you know what to do. We cant really help right now, we're being watched over and held." I heard Daehwi in my mind.

I fiddled with my fingers while sweat dripped down my forehead and bit my lip. Cold sweat from nervousness.

The coat that was covering me was removed and it revealed Lisa.

x x x

I'm back from my break yall😌.

Also, I ended up just ending the break now. It's a little early but I dont care! I dOnT cAre mAhn!
So enjoy this chapter yall.

It was glad meeting my friends again virtually but my friend transferred to another school, sadly but it's okay cause we still communicate too virtually.

It was glad meeting my friends again virtually but my friend transferred to another school, sadly but it's okay cause we still communicate too virtually

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