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《Minxi POV》

( Froslynias= Flowers/Tulips based on frost element )

I really need to tell them one day. ONE DAY! But first I need to get along with the others and, of course, explore Encantia.

I walked around the palace until I reached the garden. I saw a small waterfall an then a stream with a bridge on top of it. It was obvious by now that this is a garden.

I was wandering, wandering and wandering( when will my life begin~? Sorry my STAN for Rapunzel ) until I stopped and I saw a door with vines surrounding it. The door could barely be seen and I could tell this is very old.

I opened the door and what I saw was beautiful. A little swing set and a small fountain in the middle. There were many Froslynias around that still haven't wilted even though it's already old.

There was a little house and curiousity took over me so I went in. There were many bookshelves filled with books and there were many art supplies aswell as table full of papers with sketches and art work.

There was 3 little boxes that caught my eyes. They're both blue and in perfectly good condition. I opened the first box and I saw papers with art work, sketch books and all the other art stuff.

I opened one of the sketchbooks and saw beautiful drawings. I kept looking through all the sketchbooks until I reached the last one. It was a simple black one and on the cover, it had writings that said 'Family' I opened the sketchbook and there I saw my complete family, all happy and smiling.

This is my mom's sketchbook...

I started tearing up, remembering the happy moments before. I took the second box and it was full of my mom's favorite things. There was a sketchbook, a froslynia, a book which is entitled 'Utopia', a deer ice sculpture that never melts and our family album. I smiled as I looked through our family album.

I was about to open the 3rd box until i heard someone calling my name from the outside. I grabbed the 3 boxes and put them back to where they were and walked out secretly.

"Yo what's up?" I asked and they turned their heads towards me. "We looked everywhere for you!" Yuqi exclaimed i scratched the back of my head and smiled slightly. "We want to help you find your spirit animal" I turned and saw Renjun "Well he wants to help you, everybody has something to do except for Prince and soon to be king Renjun" Ten spilt.

I nodded and they both bid goodbye to us. "Let's go?" He asked and I nodded.

He guided me to somewhere while I followed. Guess he's not the talkative type huh? That's quite boring. He brought me to an area where he put all his cars, and yes they can fly.

We got inside his car and head to the Enchanted Forest. He talked about some stuff. None of them were about him but they were all about Encantia, Chiena and all that shit. "Hey. How bout we talk about ourselves a little more. Like, you know, a get together type of thing."

We ended up having a lot of things in common and got comfortable with eachother easily. We arrived at the forest and it still looked the same. "Wow. It's been years huh? Still looks beautiful though" I turned my back and saw Renjun with a unicorn. "Aw, that's cute. What's its name?" I asked "Orion. You know, like the star" he said while scratching the back of his head while I chuckled.

I explored the forest and left Renjun. If I could still remember where my secret place is that would be wonderful. I noticed my feet start glowing and it starts leading me somewhere. I ended up in a place where there was a big tree with golden leaves.

I found a light blue unicorn with golden hair. I approached it but it backed away a little. "Hey, it's okay. I wont hurt you" it slowly gained my trust and let me pet it. I pet it slowly until I sensed someone was looking for me. "Sorry, but I gotta go. I'll see you." I said giving it one more pat on the head and went back to Renjun.

"Did you find anything fun?" Renjun asked "Guess so. But we should go back to the palace." I suggested and he nodded. We drove back to the palace.

I went to the lounge area and chilled. Soon, Ten came up to me and handed me something. "Xixi. This is for you. It's a key to your room. You're gonna stay with us" He handed me a key and smiled "Thank you but I told you not to call me that again" I stared at him with an 'do you remember' look "I dont care. I'll keep calling you that. Xixi"

Next thing you know, I chased him all across the palace. Suddenly, the time stopped. Oh this little son of a bitch is using his powers. I swear to God. The time resumed and Ten was smirking at me. So that's his element, time.

"So that's your element. No wonder it feels like an eternity whenever we're having class." I said playfully "Wow! It's still not over you know. Xixi"

This little son of a bi-. I shot my ice powers at him. No, not the one that hurts a lot. It just makes freeze and not move. I let his head be unfrozen but the rest of his body frozen. "What did you say?" I ask "I said please let me out of here"

I smiled and let him out. "Bitch" "Asshole" we both said under our breaths. You know, sometimes I forget he's my teacher.

I was walking to my room when I bumped into a tall guy, making him fall ( for me. Just kidding )"Oh. I'm sorry about that. Let me help you" I helped him up and he thanked me "I'm Minxi by the way." "I'm Johnny. I'll see you around. I'm in quite a hurry" "it's okay. See you around too" I waved bye and he did the same.

I opened my room and wow it's beautiful. It's full of my favorite Encantian and non-Encantian things. How did they know about this?

It's Leeteuk because we never really lived together for too long. Not Yuqi because she never knew about what I like in Encantia. And cant be the others because I never told them my fav Encantian things and only met them for a short period of time.

Isn't Chenle a Zhong and has light element? No way. It cant mean that he's my.... no actual way.


Edited this bc I said so.


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